I have written on here in over a year.

Jul 25, 2010 17:44

Writing used to be my thing but it kind of dissipated as life became more complicated. Anywho I've noticed that lately I've been retreating deeper and deeper into the depths of my mind so I've decided to start writing again. It probably won't be anything spectacular- probably just life updates, but it's something I suppose. First I'm going to post something I meant to post when I wrote it two years ago but I just forgot.

if you lie

i HATE lying. Despise I actually. Yet for some unfathomable reason I still do it. Normally small litte white lies. Usually nothing bigger because I've learned that the bigger these lies get, the more entertwined they become. Like loving someone but pretending not to. Now, before I go on; I will state now that I have not found some one I felt I could spend the rest of my life with. So I guess I really haven't been in love. Who knows; it's all an illusion to me at this point. Anyway, here's how my illusion began....


Fuck. Of all the days for the stupid intercoastal bridge to go up and just happen to get stuck, I have to be attempting to drive across it. I'm not even supposed to be here. My mother thinks I'm on my way home from dropping off my sister at work. Oh well, I'm only supposed to be home in exactly 45 seconds. Lovely.

All of sudden, a horrendous sound, that can only be described as an idot smacking his face against my passenger window, scares the livng shit out of me. Tim. Of course. I moved to Pompano a little over a year ago and and I can safely say that a good portion of that year has been spent with Tim. Tall, pimply, awkward, Tim.

"What's Up?" he exclaims as he lets him self into the passenger seat with his skateboard resting on his lap.

"Hi Tim," is all I can manage, being that I'm focusing on the fact that his stupid shoes are bringing dirt all over my mothers floormat.

"So how's life?" he says. I saw him this morning.

"Just Peachy. You feeling any better?"


Last night was New's Year's Eve. At midnight my house was vacant. By two I managed to accumulate seventeen drunken peers parading around my house(ten of them boys). The only reason my mother allowed this was because(and i quote) "If they weren't here I can guarantee you that half of them would be close to dead right now". That's probably true. Tim was one of the last to arrive that night. My friend Jashley approached me around three asking if we could find a way to go get Tim.

"Where is here?" I sighed. Neither of us had cars, and none of the boys in this house with cars were in any state to be behind the wheel of anything right now.

Before Jash could answer me, my cell rang. Tim. Of course.

"Where are you?" I demand as a push the answer button.

"Charlotte?" Dammit he's crying.

"Yeah Tim, hold on a sec."

"Jash!" I whisper, holding my hand over the phone. She's across the room now sitting at the kitchen table with my mother.

"What the hell happened?"

"I'm not sure really. He was with Steven and Joey and Riley and I think they just left him." She was pretty inebriated and she was talking pretty fast so it sounded more like

I'mnotsurereally. HewaswithStevenandJoeyandRileyandIthinktheyjustlefthim.
Beautiful. "Jash go get Vinny and his car keys and tell him it's an emergency."

"Wait a minute," My mother does not sound happy. Uh oh. I probably shouldn't of said whilst she was in earshot.

"What's going on Charlotte?"

"Tim needs to be picked up; something happened. But it I'm taking care of it don't worry."

At that moment Vinny falls down the stairs, car keys in hand.

"Where we going?" he slurs.

"Where is he?" My mom asks.

I look back at my phone and not only has he hung up, but there twelve missed calls all from the same number: TIM. Ugh. I call him back.

"Charlotte?" he whimpers?

I hand the phone to my mom, who already has her hand out.

I look at the stairwell. Jashley's watching Vinny and Eddie wrestle. Jesus "Eddie and Vinny!" I snap, "do you two wanna sleep in your cars tonight?"

"I love you charlotte," Eddie sing-songs, and I can't help but giggle.

Shit. My mom definitely can't go get Tim alone, he talks too much when he's drunk.

"Mom wait!" I hear her pause downstairs near the garage door.

"Which sixteenth street?" I hear her ask.

"Jashley please please go with my mom and show her how to get to sixteenth street" She starts to make her way downstairs and Eddie goes to follow,

"EDDIE!" I scream, "Nice try, get your but over here now! And take off my friggin Sublime shirt! Your stretching it out". Sigh. This is going to be a long night.

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