crazy drivers

May 28, 2009 19:02

i know i'm a horrible driver myself, but the way people act on the road makes me worry about going outside these days. it's scary that i miss driving in cerritos (except for that darn light on bloomfield  and artesia!)

west la
traffic: horrible
why it sucks: don't know how the people there are personally, but let's face it... they drive like assholes

east la
traffic: horrible
why it sucks: mixture of too many cars, self-entitled pedestrians, people who don't know how to drive, and a couple of assholes thrown in there for good measure. drivers here are rather courteous to each other though.

montery park
traffic: horrible
why it sucks: people here SERIOUSLY don't know how to drive... prime example of the asian stereotype

traffic: not bad at all (from what i've seen)
why it sucks: spoiled asian brats with souped up cars maintained with mommy and daddy's money swerve around as if traffic laws are mild recommendations that are beneath them (get a job you wanna be thugs!). also, too many psycho soccer moms with speeding mini vans.

traffic: a little congested near the mall, but not bad
why it sucks: actually, can't say that it sucks here except for some scary isolated incidents in which 1) i was rear ended by some dude with a REALLY nice car and 2) i tried to change lanes while an old man two lanes over was trying to get into the same one with both of us unaware of the other person, resulting in a near collision... why he decided to speed up and honk when i was already halfway in the lane half a car length in front of him is a mystery. in any case, this pissed him off to the point that he rolled down his window, screamed profanities at me, and intentionally blocked my entrance to the freeway.

costa mesa:
have not driven enough here to know for sure, but something did happen which i hope is an isolated incident. i was trying to turn right to exit a shopping complex and i ended up blocking a part of the sidewalk with the front end of my car while waiting for an opening in traffic. a lady walked by  on the sidewalk, glared at me, and motioned for me to back up, which i could'nt do because a car was behind me (plus, why the hell would i do that anyway?). she then proceeded KARATE CHOP the hood of my car as she walked by.

let's not get started on the infrastructure of the streets... or the freeways...
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