Jul 22, 2004 05:17
It's like 5:18 in the morning right now. I dont know why I wake up so early after going to bed so late. I feel so fucking tired but I can't go back to sleep. Well thats insomnia for ya. I know it has something to do with the fact (DONT LAUGH!) that am afraid of the dark cause we got robbed like twice when I was around 7 yeard old and I was pretending to sleep on the couch when he came in and stole stuff from every room in the house. He even went into my moms room...WOW I thought I was goanna die that night or maybe not me. I guess I am not afraid of the dark but more of all the things that can hide in it. I am goanna have to deal with it though.
I am WICKED cold right now but I lent my sweatshirts out to everyone! lets see..tina has MY FAVORITE ONE,My ex has my hip hop one..which I am not goanna ask back for. My spiked sweatshirt is..somewhere...I cant fine it. I need to stop giving out so much shit. It's ok though, Warm blankets and Tea will help.
At some point I hope to start doing some kind of work out cause I dont wanna loose my abs. I use to do to push ups and crunches after running a couple miles when I lived in my old town,then I moved haha. It will help with a lot of things though like my sleep and my mood and stuff so that will be good. I think I am goanna go do that now.