Well that's a very good question. Where have I been? I guess a bunch of places, none of them apparently here.
Two and three weeks ago I was working myself silly trying to meet a code-complete deadline.
I got a
new server. It's insanely fast and now pictures and such load amazingly quickly.
Marcy and I have been trying to plan where our life will be in the short-term and longer-term. Jobs and such, apartments and such, you know how it is.
I've actually been writing
in another blog for the last few months on my own server. I wanted to see what it would take to create my own blog, experimenting with different blog software (I settled on
Wordpress). If your friends list is feeling a little empty you can syndicate what I write on the other blog by adding
the_influx to your friends list. I won't pretend it's any more interesting than what I write about on here but it's at least slightly different.
I'm enamoured with the
new Bjork album. It's very different from her past efforts.
Hopefully I'll be able to find time to write in here more often because I've missed it.