Feb 25, 2008 20:10
I was soo happy this year. Last year I wasn't so pleased, but this year was great. I have no idea if it had anything to do with it being the 8th Annual, but whatever.
I did the Red Carpet. Love, love, love, but Ryan Seacrest needs to die.
The Awards. The first five categories I predicted the winners, I was soo proud of myself (lol). So, when La Vie En Rose won for Best Makeup and the winners were coming to the stage, with La Vie En Rose playing in the background, did any one else get goose bumps? I did. I looove that soo so much.
TILDA SWINTON. What was that? She wasn't wearing visible make-up, and I felt that she was trying to redo a Jackie O/Valentino dress, but it was lost in translation. I didn't like it at all. Plus, she kinda scared me.
Montages. I usually hate them, but this year...I almost cried. Between Kate, Babs, Sophia (numerous times), and Debbie Kerr (I was done after that), it made my night. My friends and I have an insider "SOPHIA!!"
Best Actress. I was Team Marion all the way. Loved her, loved the movie, loved the music. So, I had to leave just as they were announcing Best Actress. I jumped in the car and turned on the ABC station in the car. I was driving with my friend, Kevin, also Team Marion. We were waiting and then her name was annouced. We freaked. LOL. I was driving and we were screaming and cheering. It was a great moment, dangerous, but great moment.
Diablo Cody? Fabulous. I loved her dresssss. And that she won for Juno. :)
Oscar night is so much fun.