Today was kind of overwhelming again at work (new things to learn, not a lot of time left before training ends), but OMG, the embarrassment of riches in fandom today! I am apparently going to
Bamboozle next year, because OMG NO DOUBT!!!1! And Fall Out Boy, but NO DOUBT! At least it doesn't require me to take more than a half day at work, if that. I just have to figure out when I'm going to buy my ticket.
I just can't get over how awesome it is that No Doubt is really going to have a new album. When Gwen was on Jimmy Kimmel last year, she mentioned it, and tbh I teared up a little bit like a big sap at the news. Needless to say when I was checking the flist on my phone at lunch, I had to work really hard not to squee out loud. It would have been a little awkward, to say the least.
And of course, I'm ridiculously excited about
this news (asdkfja;sdkfhs;fkh YAY BABY!!). I mean, who isn't, right? Aside from Ray Toro, who's busy educating n00bs about Mega Man, and grossing out the internets with the state of his toothbrush (seriously, Bob is right dude, just throw it away!). And Bob Bryar, who continues to be made of win.
MCR with twitters is kind of amazing already. I especially love that although Frank hasn't bothered to use his yet, he has already made the whole thing worth it by spelling his own. name. wrong. in his username. Unless, of course, he changed his last name to Lero when I wasn't paying attention.
Oh boys. Please never stop being awesome. ♥
Speaking of awesome people (notice my amazing segue there? I know!),
airgiodslv wrote me
this amazing ficlet based on
this picture. It's utterly adorable, and just what I wanted when I first saw that picture. I will never get tired of the way she writes these boys. ♥ The other ficlets are pretty awesome, too, so go show her some love.
And to round out this post of strange things I thought would never happen, I may have a date. I don't know yet, but it is extremely possible. Clearly today must be my day. I guess I'm screwed for the rest of the week then, LOL.