Yay, only two more days until the weekend!

Nov 12, 2008 23:37

I'm definitely in the home stretch of my sickness! Except for a bit of a cough (already tons better than yesterday thanks to your friend and mine, Delsym, AKA the best cough medicine ever), and gross phlegm-y lungs and sinuses, I feel fine! Ten bucks says this part lingers for the next few days, though. Oh, well. I don't get sick that often, so I guess I'm due every once and a while, right?


In other news, I just spent entirely too much money pre-ordering albums. I managed to convince myself out of the super-expensive Folie à Deux pre-order, but I kind of had to get the one with the sharpie t-shirt (no, the shirt was not the deciding factor; it was probably actually the poster). I plan to check all of the boxes, just to be an asshole.

On top of that, Panic has that crazy Live CD/DVD with what appears to be Shane's book of photographs for pre-order. I actually felt physical pain at having to buy something from the FBR webstore again, but seriously how could I not? It's so shiny. Oh, Panic, the things I do for you. This had better be worth it! It would be nice to get it on time and undamaged, but that might be asking for too much from FBR. Here's hoping this is the last time I have to give them my money.


If you haven't seen this already, you should definitely check out Pete and Patrick being adorable, er, I mean previewing tracks from Folie à Deux. Yeah, that. The first two are up already, and apparently there will be another one every day this week. Ugh, boys, you need to stop being so precious, I don't think I can handle much more! They are seriously each other's biggest fans in these clips, too. Patrick's all complementing Pete's lyrics, and Pete's all complementing Patrick's music, and it's so frickin' cute I could die.


Finally, for those of you who are looking to support the continued fight against Prop 8, and are also looking for gifts for someone, rhienelleth is holding a Rainbow Jewelry Drive. Half of the cost of these pieces will be donated to the ACLU, which is one of the groups involved in the lawsuits against Prop 8. Definitely a great cause! Plus, Rhien's jewelry is gorgeous (you can find more of it at her Etsy shop, here).

Now it's time for me to get ready for bed. Maybe I can actually fall asleep at a reasonable time tonight! Here's hoping.

panic, nablopomo2008, bandom, fob, nablopomo, health, pimping

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