Supernatural 2x07 "The Usual Suspects"

Nov 09, 2006 22:52

Now that was a great episode.  I love seeing an outsider's perspective on the boys and what they do.  They really know their stuff, and it really came across here.  Although, I swear, if they don't start carrying around rubber gloves... I mean, seriously, they've been doing this how long and they don't know to either not touch anything or make sure they have gloves on?!  If the police went back and checked the first crime scene, Sam's prints would've been all over the computer (not to mention both brothers' prints all over the entire office).  But that's bugged me since last season, and I doubt they'll change it any time soon.  Would be nice if they learned something useful from this little adventure, though.

Linda Blair was really great.  Smart cop, strong woman, and despite her relationship with her partner, she didn't flinch when she had to shoot him.  Very much in the tradition of Kathleen in "The Benders."  I loved her scenes with Sam, especially the interrogation in the beginning.  As much as Sam turned on that innocent puppy dog face, she didn't buy it for a second.  Man, he must've owned "Our Town" with that acting ability.  And Sam's face when she mentioned Jess.  I just wanted to hug him.  Poor boy.  And the second largest ball of twine in the continental US.  Hee!

And "we can't pick our family"!  You know Sam would totally pick Dean anyway.  "Dean's as good as gone."  Oh, Sam.

I love that throughout the entire interrogation, every time she mentioned Dean being a killer, you could see Sam's faith in his brother written all over his face.  He knows Dean would never do something bad like that, no matter how much evidence there might be to the contrary.  Not that there was a ton of real evidence here, but were there, Sam's reaction wouldn't change.

I loved Dean with the Shining references in Tony's office and at his "confession", especially since that was the first thing that came to my mind when I saw the "danashulps" all over those printouts.  By the end of the series, Dean will have referenced every Jack Nicholson movie ever made.  And possibly every horror movie ever made as well.  And Dean's "I'm Mulder, you're a red headed woman." *sporfle*  And speaking of hair, Sam's looked awesome this week.

*is totally not watching the entire episode again, right now.  no really*

And the previouslies!  *watches fake IDs/aliases montage again and again*

I really liked the MOTW as well.  The whole death omen thing has always interested me, and I think they used it very nicely here.  Claire was suitably creepy, too.  I loved the way they tied everything together, using the necklace to confirm it.  Although, I think the episode would've been a little more suspenseful if they hadn't used that scene of the cop pointing the gun at Dean in the preview.  Made me suspicious of him right away.

What really made this episode for me, though, was all the glimpses of how Sam and Dean operate.  I adored both of them anagramming 'Dana Shulps'.  And "thanks for the law review, Matlock"/"sure thing, Matlock!"  They are so in sync, it's ridiculous.  That they have something set up to find each other when they get separated killed me.  I mean, we know they must be good at what they do or they wouldn't have survived doing it for so long, but it's really nice to see it on screen.

And Dean with the hankering for pea soup at the end!  Perfect cap to a fabulous episode.  Next week's looks like it might kill me, though.  Dean wants to trade himself for Papa, oh no!  Thank god there is at least one more episode after that before the hiatus, or I think the entire fandom would implode.

I am sure there are many more things for me to talk about here (like the whole middle of the episode), but that will have to wait for a full rewatch.  Suffice it to say that this week more than made up for any possible shortcomings that last week's episode might have had.  Not that I disliked "No Exit" at all.  Mostly I just missed Sam last week.

I need some more SPN icons.

Oh, and also, one tiny thing about Smallville.  I called that Lana pregnancy a million miles away.  I spent all of her scenes after she fainted going "she'd better not be pregnant!" over and over.  I mean, it's such a lame, cliched plot.  I was frankly rooting for some sort of disease.  A brain tumor or something.  Alas, Smallville showed its soap opera colors tonight.  I don't know how I feel about that.  Not great.

episode reactions, supernatural, smallville, nablopomo

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