Oscar Results!

Mar 06, 2006 23:31

So, shockingly enough, my guesses were pretty accurate this year. Considering I saw a total of... *counts* ...seven of the nominated films (and this includes 2 animated film nominees, Batman Begins, Star Wars, and King Kong, I think I did pretty well.

First off, let me just say I *heart* Jon Stewart. That opening sequence [watch here] was priceless (especially the bits with George Clooney). And the best actress campaign commercials [watch here] killed me, yo. There were some excellent moments this year, which almost makes up for the stupid ones (those ten bajillion montages for one), but in no way makes up for the suck fest that was last year's ceremony (presenting and accepting from the audience, much?). Oh well, onto the awards!

Actor In A Supporting Role
Winner: George Clooney
I Guessed: George Clooney (or Jake Gyllenhaal)

Let me say straight away that I've never been a huge fan of George Clooney. I've never disliked him really, but I certainly haven't gone to any movies just because he was in them. But he was so classy tonight, that I may just be a little bit in love with him now. I mean, check out his speech:

Wow... wow. All right, so I'm not winning director. [Laughter] It's the funny thing about winning an Academy Award, it will always be synonymous with your name from here on in. It will be Oscar winner, George Clooney...Sexiest Man Alive, 1997 [more laughter] ...Batman... died today in a freak accident at a -- Listen, I don't quite know how you compare art. You look at these performances this year, of these actors and unless we all did the same role, everybody put on a bat suit, and we'll all try that. Unless we all did the same role, I don't know how you compare it. They are stellar performances and wonderful work, and I'm honored, truly honored to be up here. And finally, I would say that, you know, we are a little bit out of touch in Hollywood every once in a while. I think it's probably a good thing. We're the ones who talk about AIDS when it was just being whispered,and we talked about civil rights when it wasn't really popular. And we, you know, we bring up subjects. This Academy, this group of people gave Hattie McDaniel an Oscar in 1939 when blacks were still sitting in the backs of theaters. I'm proud to be a part of this Academy, proud to be part of this community, and proud to be out of touch. And I thank you so much for this.

How can you not love that?

You can check out all the winners' speeches here.

Visual Effects
Winner: King Kong
I Guessed: King Kong

Yay, King Kong! Yay, Richard Taylor! Yay, they thanked Andy Serkis! As it should be.

Animated Feature Film
Winner: Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit
I Guessed: Wallace & Gromit in the Curse of the Were-Rabbit

Eee, bow ties for their Oscars, how cute! I'm so glad they won; they totally deserved it. And they thanked Peter Sallis (voice of Wallace)!

(Damn, this post has a lot of exclamation points.)

Short Film (Live Action and Animated)
I didn't even try guessing these, but it was a nice surprise to see that hand drawn animation won over computer generated.

Costume Design
Winner: Memoirs of a Geisha
I Guessed: Memoirs of a Geisha (or Pride and Prejudice)

I can see why this one won. Gorgeous stuff. And on a side note, I am apparently psychic, since I have guessed everything right so far. WTF? Maybe the Oscars are just too predictable? Nah. [/sarcasm]

Winner: The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe
I Guessed: The Chronicles Of Narnia: The Lion, The Witch and The Wardrobe

Bahahaha, Will Ferrell and Steve Carell! And yay, Star Wars got shut out! Suck it Lucas.

Actress In A Supporting Role
Winner: Rachel Weisz
I Guessed: Rachel Weisz

Not a surprise in the least. She looked fabulous, and her speech was nice, so that was good.

Documentary Short Subject and Documentary Feature
Didn't guess these either (except a random hope of March of the Penguins winning feature. And it did!) Yay for the stuffed Emperor Penguins, too. And bahahahaha to the women who co-won Short Subject ( And I'd like to thank the Academy for seating me next to George Clooney at the Nominees Luncheon.). ♥ ♥ ♥

Art Direction
Winner: Memoirs of a Geisha
I Guessed: Memoirs of a Geisha ( or Pride and Prejudice or King Kong)

Ok, I can't say that I'm surprised after the Best Costumes win. As much as I liked King Kong, the stuff they showed from this film was gorgeous, so I'm not complaining.

Music (Score)
Winner: Gustavo Santaolalla
I Guessed: John Williams (with a secret hope of Gustavo Santaolalla)

Yay, "The Wings"! I secretly wanted this score to win, but I just assumed John Williams would win, so I didn't dare hope. But this is awesome. And how nice was it to have someone presenting that could actually pronounce "Santaolalla"? Go Salma Hayek.

Sound Mixing
Winner: King Kong
I Guessed: King Kong

Yay, King Kong! And the sound in this film really did rock, so it's well deserved.

Honorary Oscar
Oh. Em. Gee. Lily Tomlin and Meryl Streep are killing me here. Peyote buttons seriously made me laugh for, like, five minutes. [For the love of God, watch it here.] Altman's speech was really nice, too. And a heart transplant? OMFG, this man is amazing.

Music (Song)
Winner: "It's Hard Out Here For A Pimp"
I Guessed: I didn't guess, since I hadn't heard any of the songs before the actual ceremony, but I had an inkling that this one might win, since everyone seemed to think it wouldn't.

Most high acceptance speech of the evening. And this continues the Academy's fine tradition of trying to look cool by giving an Oscar to rap music. Well done, folks.

Sound Editing
Winner: King Kong
I Guessed: King Kong

Oh, Jennifer Garner, you're so cute. Great save, too. And see my comments after Best Sound Mixing.

In Memorium
Sad as usual. But Holy Crap, when did Debra Hill die? Why didn't I hear about this? *checks IMDB* Oh, cancer, how sad. And at 54? Shit.

And Dad and I figured that they only honored people who died in 2005. So Don Knotts, Darren McGavin, et. al. who died this year will be in next year's. At least McGavin should, since he did do some films. Well, we'll see what happens I guess.

Foreign Language Film
Winner: Tsotsi
I Guessed: I didn't.

Nice acceptance speech. I don't have much else to say since I didn't see this film, or any of the ones in this category. Despite the fact that we did get most of the other limited release nominees, Scranton is not exactly the art film capital of PA, so I doubt we'll ever get these films. Oh well, there's always DVD, right?

Film Editing
Winner: Crash
I Guessed: Had no clue, but randomly picked The Constant Gardener and Cinderella Man.

I didn't see any of these films, so I don't know if this one should have won, but it seems like the type of movie that might have a lot of fancy editing going on. Either way, good for them.

Actor In A Leading Role
Winner: Phillip Seymour Hoffman
I Guessed: Phillip Seymour Hoffman

Yay!! This one was definitely deserved. Too bad he didn't bark his speech, but he did say some really nice things about his mother, so that was good, but he was a bit rambly. He looked so nervous, which was sweet, considering he was pretty much a shoe in. But Joaquin's "I love you River" during the announcement for this award just killed me. I love *you* Joaquin.

Winner: Memoirs of a Geisha
I Guessed: Memoirs of a Geisha (or Batman Begins or Brokeback Mountain)

Man, I actually got this one! I knew Batman didn't stand a chance in hell, so that was just wishful thinking, so it was basically a toss up between this and Brokeback. I did read some reviews that disparaged BBM's cinematography, so I am not really surprised it didn't win. Once again, pretty clips from Memoirs of a Geisha, so I certainly can't begrudge it its win.

Actress In A Leading Role
Winner: Reese Witherspoon
I Guessed: Reese Witherspoon (or Felicity Huffman)

No surprise here, either. I would have liked them to go with Huffman in this category, since I adore her, and have heard such good things about Transamerica, but I saw this one coming a mile away. Reese was typically cute and babbily, and I loved her dress. Yay for thanking Joaquin.

Writing (Adapted Screenplay)
Winner: Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana (Brokeback Mountain)
I Guessed: Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana (Brokeback Mountain)

No surprise at all. And I have to admit that I was paying so little attention to the screen that I didn't even notice that Larry McMurtry was wearing jeans. I agree with the people who were less than impressed with this. I mean, come on, we all knew he was going to win, so he should have made the effort with both halves of his outfit. I did like him thanking Diana Ossana, though.

Writing (Original Screenplay)
Winner: Paul Haggis and Robert Moresco (Crash)
I Guessed: Didn't.

Good for you, but OMGSTFU Paul Haggis and let your co-writer speak. Seriously, dude, this is his one chance to speak tonight, don't steal his thunder.

Winner: Ang Lee
I Guessed: Ang Lee


(Yes, I actually did shout this at the screen when he won. I love the little guy.)

Oh, and his speech:

Wow. I wish I knew how to quit you. First of all, I want to thank two people who don't even exist. Or I should say, they do exist, because of the imagination of Annie Proulx and the artistry of Larry McMurtry and Diana Ossana. Their names are Ennis and Jack. And they taught all of us who made Brokeback Mountain so much about not just all the gay men and women whose love is denied by society, but just as important, the greatness of love itself. Thank you. Thank you members of the Academy for this tremendous honor. And to everyone at Focus Features[...]thank you for your love and support[...] And thanks to my wife, Jane Lin, and my boys, Han and Mason. I love you. On Brokeback Mountain, I felt you with me every day. I just did this movie after my father passed away. More than any other, I made this for him. And finally, to my mother and family, and everybody in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China. Thank you.

Despite the incredibly cheesy (and James Cameron-esque) quotage at the beginning, I loved the sentiment. And he was so happy!

Best Picture
Winner: Crash
I Guessed: Brokeback Mountain

I just don't even know what to say about this. I haven't see Crash yet, but I adored Brokeback Mountain, and everyone just assumed it'd win, so needless to say I was shocked. I don't really have any opinions on this yet (that'll have to wait until I see Crash), but I will say that I thought the orchestra cutting off the fucking BEST PICTURE winner was inexcusable. WTF, Oscars, WTF?

Final Tally
Total Number of Awards: 24 (plus the Honorary Oscar, but it's not like that's in anyone's Oscar Pool, right?)
Total Number I Guessed: 17.5 (I guessed Best Song during the reading of the nominees, so it is only really a half guess.)
Number I Got Right: 15.5 (Holy shit, yo. How did I do that? I only saw seven of these movies! For the record, I missed "Best Editing" and "Best Picture", which both went to Crash)

So, that's about it. Overall, way better than last year, but definitely too montage-heavy. Although it did amazingly end at 11:30, so I guess that's an improvement over some years.

I'm so glad Grey's Anatomy is back next week. According to the IMDB, last week's episode was episode 20 for this season. And Jeffrey Dean Morgan is supposed to be in 8 more episodes this season. So, does that mean we're having a 28 episode season? That's craziness, man. But yay to eight more weeks of JDM!


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