Merlin 3x10 Episode Reaction

Nov 13, 2010 22:19

This episode doesn't really warrant talking about what I liked vs what I didn't like; it was too ridiculous for that, so it's list time!  In (sort of) chronological order:

1. So Arthur and Gwen have a love theme, huh? I had no idea. /sarcasm Seriously, cut back on the music cues, guys.

2. This episode perfectly illustrates the need to make sure your main romantic pairing has actual chemistry before you start filming the show.  I mean, I love Bradley and Angel to death, but they have about as much romantic chemistry together as...well two things that have no romantic chemistry.  There was way more chemistry in the tiny scenes between Arthur and Morgana than anything in the Arthur/Gwen scenes.  Yet another reason why I ship Gwen/Lancelot, because the chemistry is definitely there in that relationship.

3. The best scene in the entire episode for me was Arthur checking his hair in the serving platter.  BRB LOLING FOREVER.  Also Gwen and Merlin giggling at how ridiculous he was. ♥

4. Can we talk about how if Arthur wasn't the prince, he'd have a plot of land somewhere and would be a farmer?  And Merlin would be there.  No talk of being with Gwen if he wasn't prince, oh no, just of going somewhere where no one knows who he is. Except Merlin. Even in the episode about The Epic True Love of Gwen and Arthur manages to be unreasonably gay.  And I love this show for it.  But then, considering that Merlin has to help him flirt with Gwen ("I think he's trying to say you look nice."), it's not a huge surprise.

5. Oh man, the kissing in this episode is just sad.  The picnic scene was awkward enough, but then we get wtfever that was in the throne room when the guards are taking Gwen to the dungeons.  I really don't think that was intended to be hilarious, but oh man, was it ever.  I was rolling.

6. I did like the little Arthur/Gwen moment at the end of the episode, though.  Although, Arthur, dude, your destiny is to become the greatest king Albion has ever seen, not to bone Gwen.  I mean, really.  This show tries so. hard. to sell their romance to us, when if they'd just let it happen more organically and naturally from the start they wouldn't have to.  It's a sad thing when I don't ship the canon couple because of terrible chemistry or terrible writing (see also: Clark/Lana on Smallville).  I want to like Arthur/Gwen!  I really do.  Problem is, I just don't see any logical progression to their feelings, and that, coupled with lack of chemistry, makes it kind of difficult.  Why do you make it so difficult for yourselves, writers?

7. I think someone needs to tell Morgana that when she makes those smirky faces, other people can see her.  Newsflash, dude, but YOU ARE NOT INVISIBLE. PEOPLE CAN SEE THAT SELF-SATISFIED LOOK ON YOUR FACE AND EVENTUALLY THEY ARE GOING TO WONDER WHAT'S GOING ON. Seriously. Although, if they haven't done so already, maybe she's okay to keep doing it.

8. The scene between Arthur and Merlin where Arthur says that Merlin couldn't keep a secret if his life depended on it and Merlin's all "you'd be surprised".  That was very interesting to me, especially in light of the deleted dungeon scene from 3x03 (why did you leave that scene out, show? D:).  I think sometimes Bradley is playing Arthur as though he knows about the magic already, which is one of the things I'd love to see when they finally have the reveal (please god let it be soon).  I think Arthur would have to be both blind and stupid to not have at least some idea that Merlin is keeping something from him, so it's nice to see Bradley play it that way.

9. OMG I am so happy that Gwen revealed her suspicions about Morgana to Merlin!  Here's hoping that she'll get a chance to tell him about the spellcasting in 3x08, cause I really want that scene a lot.

10. I LOVED OLD MERLIN! COLIN MORGAN, YOU ARE GRATE!  How much fun did he look like he was having with every scene? :D

11. And yes, Arthur totally recognized Merlin, even if he couldn't quite make the leap to "this old guy is my manservant".  Good for you, bb, being all observant!

12. I don't know how to feel about the whole resolution to the episode.  On the one hand, the old!Merlin scenes were great, and I especially liked him telling Uther what he thought about him, but on the other hand, it was kind of a ridiculous solution and anyone with half a brain who knew that Arthur and Gwen weren't enchanted would wonder why this random guy showed up out of nowhere and claimed credit for enchanting the prince.  And then seemed to want to be executed.  Eh, whatever, I've kind of given up on expecting logic from this show.  At least that way I'm surprised when I get it, right?

[ETA]13. I can't believe I forgot to mention this, but Arthur willingly giving up his claim to the throne? Completely ridiculous and OOC. It's as if the writers forgot what character they were writing that scene for, and just had him spew words for dramatic effect. Did they forget all the angsting he did when Uther disowned him last season? Yeah, Uther was enchanted by the troll, but Arthur wasn't, so there's no reason to think that reaction wasn't in character. Just, ugh.[/ETA]

Wow, I apparently had a lot of thoughts for something that wasn't that great.  This episode did have a bunch of nice moments, but overall it wasn't my favorite.  Not the worst episode ever, but kind of disappointing.

episode reactions, merlin, nablopomo2010, nablopomo

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