Thanks to a friend who asked, "What inspires you?", now I'm asking others.

Nov 05, 2010 08:51

Here was my response to her question:!/permalink.php?story_fbid=153625168014387&id=904660726

I have various things that inspire me. Being in nature, people watching, remembering my dreams, and then there is that point in which I let everything outside in the real world leave my thoughts as I just let it all out as if I'm in a meditative state. In other words, automatism, like those artists in the past who followed Surrealism or Dada.

This question she asked brought on other thoughts I've had for the last year, thanks to my old Ceramics H.S. teacher, Mr. Schang, and now because of discussions in class about artists such as Christo & Jean Claude, as well as Marcel DuChamp.

I love asking people this kind of question, along with; 'How do you create from your inspiration? What is the process that works for you? The emphasis as a part of Art through a process. The different ways in which people use to get out their ideas is really interesting. Must be why I'm majoring in Art, then onto Art Education. ;)

So, if you're reading my post, let me ask you these questions.

1.) What inspires you?

2.) How do you create from your inspiration?

3.) What's the process that works for you to create? Such as; do you write or draw things on paper, or do you discuss it with others who are in the same field, or do you just think about it by yourself, or do you just wait until it's the right moment?

~Laughter & Light~
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