The many faces of Faildog.

Jul 12, 2009 12:21

Yesterday we went on more or less the longest walk ever. Or, the usual walk to the tea shop, but since it was about 28 degrees outside, it was something like hiking up the Himalayas. (Not one of our best plans, I admit.) Pekoe was also not enormously fond of the necessity of having to put sunscreen on her nose (though that was pretty damned funny).

Some selections of Pekoe over the past month or so, since it has been some time since the last ridiculously adorable Faildog picspam. Some are mine, some are calantha42's.

This one I call...

Ridiculous Dog. Which is kind of her default state.

Whereas this one...

"I have no idea why there are DVD cases all over the floor with tiny tooth-marks in them, why do you ask?"

Pekoe is generally just a big blur.

Faildog is Social.

This morning, Pekoe threw up.

And now she is starving. Hungry. Please? She loves you. So. Much.

Faildog says...

" you for Yellow Ball of Joy?"


"...please? It bounces reallyrealyhigh and I hit myself in the face with it and it was AWESOME."

Tragic Dog has given up.

She's just going to lie here and STARVE to DEATH, are you happy now?

Sad Dog is resigned.

And faint with hunger. Also tragedy.

maelie returns from invading Europe with greenet in three sleeps (which is good, as I think The Birds have now decided I'm keeping her from them and are plotting my demise); moving in T-minus five sleeps. Eeeep. :D

seasons, pekoe, city, pictures

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