(no subject)

Jun 03, 2008 22:14

We lost internet for about an hour this evening, and while we were away, the United States Democtratic party nominated Barack Obama. \o/

Obviously I don't have the exact same investment in your elections as people who actually, you know, are Americans (and after 2004 I pretty much vow to never, ever again get that invested, because Christ on a cracker, that was a let-down), but it is unfortunately true that as does the U.S. so does the world, at least for now, at least in a lot of things. But hey, guys, congratulations (and I suppose condolences to those of you who wanted Clinton, uh, on principle).

For what it's worth, I hope you guys elect him. He's the only U.S. presidential candidate I've ever watched speak (though I'm sure there may have been others before I was old enough to care) and not wanted to hide under the couch for sheer sympathetic embarrassment, which is a big deal, because I'm kind of shallow that way, I like my politicians to be good public speakers. Possibly because that's the only related skill I myself possess, though of course I haven't exercised it since elementary school. ;)

Also, I'm harbouring a morbid fascination about what will happen when Obama and Harper first meet in front of cameras. But we'll call that a bonus.

I'm going to go back to watching West Wing now and living in a fantasy world, where politicians tell the truth and Americans have healthcare. This show always makes me feverishly want to write passages from random Paxverse books with flowery oratory by Union statesmen. I shall resist. I shall. Because I can always take notes and write it later.

west wing, wordslinging, politics, paxverse, my people

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