Re: the preview - pregnant. Yeah. Whatever. We're not complete morons, folks.
On to the episode.
Can I tell you how bored I am with Logan and Veronica? Just... stop, VM writers. We don't care anymore. Many of us NEVER DID.
Additionally, I am becoming progressively uncomfortable and irked (in that order) with the way sexuality is being written on this show. In the sense of, like, the virgin/whore, Snow White vs. Christina Aguiliera In That One Music Video With The Chaps (Which Example I Use Because My Art History Prof Used It)... thing. And the fact that on this show, girls are either sluts, or they're blushing maidens. And the fact that more than once in this episode, it was implied that stripping=hooking in the same way that marijuana=coccaine. Just, WTF. The whole serial rapist and feminazis perpetrating fake rapes Thing wasn't poorly-conceived enough, now we're bringing in "I bought my girlfriend out of prostitution, now I keep thinking she's a whore and why did I want her in the first place." And OH, GODS, that conversation between Logan and Veronica. "Have you ever been with a hooker? Are you sure? Huh?" And then notice how he, well, I'm guessing, lied to her. Under duress. Hm? Because sex is sinful and dirty and the dirt comes off the GIRL, folks.
Just... no.
I think we should have sex workers' unions. With taxes. And licensing. No more pimps, medical screening, health insurance and credit card records. Let's see the "sex is dirty" tag stick then.
Or possibly it would tank the industry. Either way it would have some positive impact.
I am actually not a feminist. Not really.
Okay, I'm done now. Go back to discussing the wacky hijinks. Of which there were, admittedly, many. And can I tell you how much I missed Wacky!Keith?
And all things considered, Wendy was adorable. I wanted her to stick around. Unfortunately, her boyfriend's a neolithic-minded jackass, so not so much.
And I want Veronica to geek it up a little. One more snotty half-mocking I'm-weird-but-not-that-weird-'cause-at-least-I-don't-read-comic-books reference and Veronica's getting written into a fic where she becomes rapidly obsessed with Harry Potter OT3 fanfiction to such an extent she misses all her classes and stops showering.
I'll do it, V. Don't doubt me. I have powers. *ominous*
And in conclusion: where the HELL is Wallace, anyway?