First I never will forgive anyone (read the writer) who will let something bad happen to Donna because I LOVE HER!
Then I want to say that I still have no idea if I liked this episode or not....but I know there are several things that I have to complain about. But I try to follow the episode storyline.
I liked that the young Girl/Cal could watch both Doctor and Donna’s adventures on TV.
I HATED the Doctor Moon attitude at the begin, mostly because I already saw it in Torchwood with Adam (written by the wonderful Cath Tregenna) - I’m not saying more because I know
kae_nine have to watch it yet. So I don’t want to spoiler her too much.
I hated that Donna’s perfect boyfriend is introduced as an Idiot. Donna deserve more! A lot! She had already enough amount of idiot people with Lance in the Running Bride. But again I’m agreeing with my French friend when she says I Love Donna’s “pratical” dress for fishing.
I found the most of Ten adventure boring... actually I found boring also most the Donna’s one. Sorry.
I didn’t like the whole River-Doctor interaction useless. I hated it (beside the end). It was supposed to feel emotional, I think, and the most of it wasn’t. Ok, I admit, Tennant’s face when she reveal him his own name, was Emmy-deserving (well the English version of it).
OK can someone explain why in hell miss Evangelista had to became ugly to became a genius?????? Wow, for a show I admire for how deep and complex write the female figures was pretty much uncalled!
OK call me a complaining bitch, but The Doctor’s escape from the Scooby-like monster was really, really really poor!
Again I know that Alex Kingston is a niceactress but I didn’t feel a bloody emotion for the most of the episode coming from her! She was, at least for my way to feel a show, just there. I didn’t feel all torment, all the angst touching my brain and heart. I mean, it’s not just because I just met her, I was touched by Astrid, I liked her, even if the Xmas special wasn’t my favourite kind of movie (I don’t like disaster movie). And yet I loved her, or even the other costars that I was supposed to love, and hated the one I should hate.
But still River never touched me (only at the very end).
I didn’t feel anything when she was desperately missing her doctor, in the dialog with Anita. Not a bloody thing.
I like River description of the Doctor, his snapping of finger to open the Tardis, and stuff but I hated the way she was keeping to remember him that he’s not HER doctor. BOOOORING...
I rolled on the floor when they wanted to demonstrate us, the audience, that the doctor had an epiphany and realized something, the director made a small zoom on DT’s face. And that killed the already not very big mood for me. Also the monologue about save/safe thing.... I don’t know... I usually giggle when the doctor understand things and ramble about it. You know I’m the giggling one. Always, Ask H.! and still nothing at all. Boh is it me?? Naaa I loved the most of the episodes so far!
I didn’t get if CAL was aware or not about the Status Quo (and here my latin knowledge end). At the end seemed she was, but in the previous episode she seemed not. Confusing.
The Donna’s I’ve been dieting” line made me crack. Eventually something so Donna!!!!!!
The whole Little girl breakdown was heartbreaking....
About Donna’s son... is the little actor the younger brother of Thomas Sangster, the guy who was Tim Latimer in Family of Blood? Because honestly the have the same face! Try to google him (Thomas) when he was younger! They are amazingly alike. Same eyes!
Again Catherine Tate was great. Both when she was sit on the couch holding her kids too tightly (and the red alarm was coloring the room) and when they were in the bed. Her despair when they simply vanished, was amazing. As usual, I could add.
Honestly I thing Catherine Tate should not come back to her own show. But move on a bigger lever. She need some job where people can see how good is she acting. I know It’s funny, but I don’t think the Catherine Tate Show give her justice, even if she write it. (Sorry H, I already told you that).
Mr. Lux suddenly being a nice person? I know it should be a surprise, but I don’t know it seemed hurried, we had two episode and one line, well one dialogue, to make amends?
You can seen in the last dialogue between River and the Doctor? Well eventually something to show that Alex Kingston is a good actress. But still I’m not sure she was the right actress to do that part.
The dialogue was emotional, not the most emotional but yeah you could feel definitely something there. And then River died. Mmm I wonder how wonderful she should be if the Doctor could get over to see her dying in that horrid way, plus, he had time alone to make that scene memorized for his whole life.
But again What in hell? I know Tennat is a good actor, who play drama in a remarkable way, but that doesn’t means you should have him drama every week!!!!
Give him a break, and us too!!!
The only moment funny (beside the dieting line) was the moment
Donna: I made up the perfect man. Gorgeous, adores me, and hardly able to speak a word. What does that say about me?
Doctor : Everything. Sorry, did I say everything? I meant to say "nothing".I was aiming for "nothing", I accidentally said "everything".
This is what I like of Doctor who or at least of Donna & Doctor relationship. They world fell apart, their future, and still they joke to exorcise something, like the fear of being alone or whatever you can see there! (I see they exorcise fear, loneliness, pain, and all the emotion they both are so good to hide.)
And again :
Donna: Are you all right?
Doctor : I'm always all right.
Donna: Is "all right" special Time Lord code for... "really not all right at all"? Why? Cos I'm all right, too.
Wasn't one of the sweetest moment of this season? They understand each others sooo deeply, they know how communicate, when they are saying exactly the opposite of what they are feeling, and still are able to understand perfectly.
Buahhh I want Donna as companion for ever or at least until Tennat is around! Then I promise I’ll choose carefully if she can be let go home :p
How silly and predictable was that Lee started to stammer again right when she was leaving the room. That scene could’ve been done in any other way, like Lee saw her while he was teleported scream her name and when she turn toward the voice she see no one and think she simply is adjusting with her being back from the virtual reality - or something like that). And I sort am bothered - or bovvered :p - about the way Lee is portrait. - Again not the actor, I have no idea how he will keep the character in areal world (come on we’re not so dumb, it’s obvious he will be back for Donna this season.)
The doctor tempting Donna about see their “end”, that was good!
The best thing in this couple of episodes? The Tardis-like book-scrapbook. Can I have one of those?
The doctor “saving” River. Ok two things: The filming was wonderful, the run, the music, even the voice over. Quoting the doctor dance, not so much. - one quote is homage, two is annoying, three is plagiarism! -
Very God-like again, the Doctor give her the salvation, and she, and her friends end up in a paradise.
And of course Tennant’s smile there can know out everyone, like usual. By the way - must be cool have leg as long as his one and jump all around in that way...
But here my other side of that coin. Mmm narratively (is that actually a word? ) The Doctor not letting her die, condemning her to survive into a machine, with no hope to a real life in a real world? I’m not sure is so Doctor-like. I don’t know, to me it didn’t sound right. It was well written and superbly recited, but still was it ok? Not sure. But I know I’m too serious about those stuff.
Back to the story, I LOVED The doctor’s face, and his hesitation when he tried to snap his finger to open the TARDIS. I wish they show the Tardis more, in season one it was obvious she was an alive being. Now it’s just a machine. I don’t like that. I wish I could see, perceive something from my favourite spaceship in the universe!
wendymr -
Kae-nine!!! Can you fix that problem for me? And please not a twenty words fic, a proper one!!!!! (I still do not forgive you guys for writing mini-fic, what are they resume? Grrrrrrrrr)
Back to Tennant... WOW . I didn’t say it a lot this time so let the word roll on my mouth - finger - brain or whatever you want.
W O W!!!
He can kill me with a look! Look at his face, look at his eyes - and bravo to the Man who care about the lighting in this episode!!!! Especially here!) Wow that was a brilliant moment!(pun intended)
At the end. I decided that - but feel free to not agree with me -
- They didn’t explain it, but I think that it was suspect that the “moon” was called Doctor Moon, I think we’ll see it again, in some of Doctor incarnations-
- at the end of the episode - I watched it three time so far - I keep thinking that this episode was not spontaneous, it was tiring (sometimes boring) but it sounded like something already seen. predictable.
In Torchwood we had Adam (I already quote it earlier) and even if the concept was not new - a twisted reality for people who watched Buffy screams “Jonathan” - but still after a while you forgot you already see something similar because the emotion you feel are so real you forget everything else beside what you’re seeing. Here everything tasted like something seen. Even the young girl.
I’m a Jim Butcher’s fan - a huge one - and Cal Screamed “EVE The archive” for two episode!!!! A girl who had in her head the whole human knowledge, if anything was written then she knows. It’s the same thing!!!! So oh look Cal is the Archive.
I know I’m too hard. But Moffat he's the one “chosen” to be the master puppet!!! I want to get knocked out from his works! I prefer not sleeping at the night for being too traumatized from a certain character death - coughTorchwoodcough . I prefer crying like a lamb like I did in Doomsway that being a passive audience like I did in the most part of this two-part episode. So, don’t get mad with me I want the best for my doctor.
I want characters deep and alive. I want characters that can be believable not stereotypical ones.
When I watch a show I want to forget is a show. I want that for the 45 minutes I’ watching it! It became the only reality I know. For God sake I want to even forget I should go to pee!
That’s all.
See you all next week guys!