Torchwood: my speculation, so far

Feb 18, 2008 19:32

I want to post this before the next episode (Dead Man Walking) because I’m thinking that could be too late after that. I want to tell also that I have no spoiler at all. The only Spoiler I had was Martha joining the team.

About Owen
First: of course I’m thinking Owen will be back.
But here what I think since the “Combat” episode in season one. Owen IS a weevil, his sad thought in Adam sort of confirmed my theory with his bad relationship with his mother. I don’t think he was infected during the fight club, I suppose he was already a (half?) weevil. Why else a couple of them would be scared by his growling.

About Gwen:
They are pointing that Gwen is the more “human” the most emphatic, the one moved by the sleeper woman, the one who felt sorry for the girl in season one, the one who was moved by the living aliens in the “jars” in reset. They are emphasizing this side of her so much that it making me think that they are going to destroy it. I mean it’s like in the movie, if they are showing you a gun, you can be sure they are gonna to use it, when you almost forgot you even saw that.

Here & there…

In Kiss Kiss Bang Bang captain John said that team needed a “blond”. Am I the only one who thought “Rose!”

What do you think? Can I be right?

speculation, torchwood, season2

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