Conversations With Her - The Date...

Jan 17, 2009 11:34

Her: So did anything happen on your date?
Me: It depends... (thinks) When do you call a date... a "date"?
Her: I dont know... Maybe if the guy picks up the girl and drops her back to her place...
Me: So if they meet at a pre determined place and leave from the place (separately) its not a date.
Her: So when do you call it a date?
Me: Hmm, the safest definition that I have found is the if the participants voluntarily come to the meet knowing its a date, then its a date.
Her: So what about a friendly date?
Me: Hmm...
Her: Like when two friends decide to catch up on each other over a cup of coffee or something. Its not romantic but they both are taking out time to spend with each other.
Me: Yeah then its mostly a... friendly date. So this is different as opposed to a romantic date? And I was considering the romantic dates as "the" dates.
Her: So how was your date.
Me: Friendly :P
Her: Really. I thought you were into this girl. So are you considering a romantic date in the future?
Me: It doesn't work that way with me I guess... How do i put it? Its... complicated
Her: Seriously? You are kidding me right? Do you even know what you want?
Me: That is the problem... isnt it. I mean, a friend of mine recently put a romance into perspective. She simply implied that it has to end at some point or another. And when it does it hurts both(not all cases) the people involved. What is the point of all the happiness and fun if you know that its going to hurt a lot at the end.
Her: And you agree with that?
Me: Partially, I believe that I should not lead someone down a path that I am not sure of. If I choose to spend time with someone that automatically means I like the person and if I like the person then I wouldn't in my right mind want to hurt them, just coz I felt like I wanted "change" in my life. I have other things to concentrate on right now, and honestly this is not like a hobby that I should pursue every weekend.
Her: You would rather give up altogether?
Me: No, I would rather give it my best shot when I believe I can.
Her: I think you over-think somethings.
Me: (with a smile) I was a while back thinking about people in my life. I have realized that the best of the relationships I have had... family, friends ect have mostly happened to me. I didnt pick and choose my friends, I know this coz in the past I have tried to pick people to spend time with and it never worked. I believe that at least for me, that the relationships that have been forced on me work better. Including meeting and becoming your friend.
Her: (smiles)
Me: You know, this is why I am a big advocate about arranged marriages.
Her: Yeah lets not go there :P
Me: He he.

thoughts, conversations with her, friends, dates, coffee, conversations, relationships, love, conversation

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