
Jan 23, 2013 00:02

I have some suspicions that Néstlé is on the decline. Before Christmas there was the vet visit, and blood work. This resulted in her needing thyroid meds twice a day and some potassium powder in soft food, daily.

She only ever had soft food as a once every month ( or two) treat, now it's daily and it's some special $2/serving vet stuff.

With all this, she seemed to perk up and return to her usual self. Curling up with me on the sofa or in bed at night. However something still seems a bit off. She doesn't appear to be using her litter box. I'm not finding puddles around the house or weird smells. But every now and then I'll see a poo log in the middle of the floor. Still nothing in the litter box.

I've moved the litter box to a more accessible area, and she's already gone in it twice, but I don't think it was used. I think she was just playing in the litter. I guess we've got another vet visit in our future.

Posted via LiveJournal app for iPad.

nestle, via ljapp, pets

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