2.5 days into the 101 challenge and I've completed the first item:
- List the other items for the 101 list. The items on this list will be mostly related to decluttering, getting ready for the move and moving... about setting up a home. I'll also include some fun stuff. There will probably be more than 101 items listed, some I must do, some I would be doing anyway and others are optional (because I like to have choices).
I've basically copied what lists I already had to make the "bucket list" for my 101 in 101 challenge. More will be added to the list of items as I progress. For now, following items are on the list (in no particular order):
- Run a "Me" workshop (basically review where I am in my life today, where I want to be and what I need to do to get there... then set short, medium and long term goals).
- Refine my 12 for 2012 list (my 2012 goals/resolutions).Add family and friends birthdays to list
- Answer emails at home (to under 100)
- Answer emails at home (to under 1000)
- Answer emails at home (to under 1500)
- Answer emails at home (to under 2000)
- Answer emails at home (to under 250)
- Answer emails at home (to under 50)
- Answer emails at home (to under 500)
- Answer emails at home (to under 750)
- Do a couch to 5km training plan
- Finish DD1’s baby book
- Habit: 27 flings
- Habit: Go to bed early
- Read through and tag LJ entries... looking for Gems.
- Make portfolio and send
- Makeup? Do I need it and how?
- Map for walk every path
- Outline basic plan for Chanda Belle - Project Charter
- Pic of little black dress
- Read Working Solo and get ideas
- Set up Moving Control Journal and start to do list
- Start DD2’s baby book
- Support DD2’s start in kindergarden
- Update address book
- Write DDs’s birth stories
002.HH Tidy/declutter lounge area
003.HH Detailed clean lounge area
004.HH Tidy/declutter dinning area (including sideboard)
005.HH Detailed clean dinning area
006.HH Detailed clean reading area
007.HH Tidy/declutter left side display cabinet (including drawers and shelves)
008.HH Tidy/declutter right side display cabinet (including drawers and shelves)
009.HH Tidy/declutter secretair
010.HH Tidy/declutter Bob area and jacket hanging hooks
011.HH Tidy/declutter entry area drawers bottom 2
012.HH Tidy/declutter entry area drawers middle 2
013.HH Tidy/declutter entry area drawers top 2 and top
014.HH Tidy/declutter kitchen cabinets tops + small side cupboards
016.HH Clean/declutter freezer
017.HH Clean/declutter oven and drawers
018.HH Clean/declutter bench top left and tea shelves
019.HH Clean/declutter bench top right, wine and plate shelves
020.HH Clean/declutter drawers left side 1
021.HH Clean/declutter drawers left side 2
022.HH Clean/declutter drawers right side 1 + 2
023.HH Clean/declutter shelves over oven
024.HH Clean dish washer and rubbish area
025.HH Clean/Tidy/declutter bathroom cabinet under sink
026.HH Clean/Tidy/declutter bathroom shelves cabinet
027.HH Detailed clean bathroom
028.HH Detailed clean kitchen
029.HH Clean couch covers
030.HH Detailed clean bedroom and tidy
031.HH Detailed clean baby bedroom and laundry
032.HH Tidy baby bedroom and laundry area
033.HH Declutter baby wardrobe
034.HH Declutter baby drawer + nappy change area + washing machine top
035.HH Declutter and fix the other 2 baby drawers
036.HH Go through baby toys in all 4 boxes plus lounge/kitchen and bedroom
037.HH Put away unused stuff baby
038.HH Set up area for baby
039.HH Declutter my wardrobe hanging and shoes
044.HH Put everything away neatly in my wardrobe
049.HH Desk drawer 2
050.HH Desk drawer 3
051.HH Desk drawer 4
052.HH Desk filing cabinet
053.HH Desk shelves
054.HH My shelves filing cabinet
055.HH My shelf 1
056.HH My shelf 2
057.HH My shelf 3
058.HH My shelf 4
059.HH My shelf 5
061.HH Nothing next to my shelves
071.HH Shelf DH side left
072.HH Shelf DH side right
073.HH Study sideboard
074.HH Detailed clean study
076.HH Inbox at 15
077.HH LJ folder ar 5
078.HH Bloglines at 0
080.HH Drafts at 10
082.HH iphoto folders delete repeats early photos
083.HH iphoto folders delete repeats 2007
084.HH iphoto folders delete repeats 2008
085.HH iphoto folders delete repeats 2009
086.HH iphoto folders delete repeats 2010
087.HH Sort/declutter old folders
088.HH Sort/declutter recovered folders
089.HH Sort/declutter Mac folders
090.HH Sort through family projects on top of wardrobe
091.HH Sort through stuff in grandfather suitcase
092.HH Sort through Portugal box 1
093.HH Sort through Portugal box 2
094.HH Sort through Portugal box 3
095.HH Sort through Portugal box 4
097.HH Sort through baby box 2
098.HH Sort through baby box 3
099.HH Sort through baby box 4
100.HH Sort through baby box 5
101.HH Sort through baby box 6
102.HH Sort through baby box 7
103.HH Sort through baby box 8
104.HH Sort through baby box 9
105.HH Sort through baby box 10 to ?
106.HH All cookbooks in their place
107.HH Find scattered car stuff from the hof and put away properly
108.HH Wash car
109.HH Clean car inside
110.HH Set up kiddie first aid kit
111.HH Set up kiddie play area
112.HH Finish setting up bedroom area
113.HH Sort boxes in attick
045.HH Inventory DMC
046.HH Inventory fabric and put away nicely
047.HH Inventory stitchy tools and put away nicely
062.HH Tidy and declutter Craft shelf 1
063.HH Tidy and declutter Craft shelf 2
064.HH Tidy and declutter Craft shelf 3
065.HH Tidy and declutter Craft shelf 4
066.HH Right of craft shelves
067.HH Tidy and declutter Tools shelf 1
068.HH Tidy and declutter Tools shelf 2
075.HH Tidy craft table and surrounding area 115.HH
122.HH Donate, recycle or throw out stuff that is no longer needed.
123.HH Find an area in each room and add a special touch (lounge, bedroom, bathroom, study, entry, baby room, dinning area).
124.HH Find an area to be my sanctuary & make it look nice. A place where I can sit and stare or if you prefer meditate.
001.C Bag Chinese girl
004.C Update Transit design
006.C Finish celtic hearts
007.C Finish Summer in my Garden
009.C Finish Bells are ringing design
011.C Frame little_monkey's birthsampler
012.C Frame sampler 2007
013.C Frame sampler 2008
015.C Christmas bag
016.C Wall hanging TT1
017.C Wall hanging TT2
018.C Wall hanging TT3
019.C Stitch bells are ringing
020.C Design Learn from yesterday,...
021.C Make “ Otedama” balls
022.C Design and order photo book for DD1
023.C Test Serger
024.C Learn to crochet a beannie
025.C Learn to knit a beannie
026.C Knit autumn decorations
027.C Learn to do basic sketches
028.C Learn to embroider - Chanda Belle
029.C Embroider something
030.C Make 12 Origami Boxes
031.C Scrapbook/catalogue: finished project
032.C Fix up Wedding album
033.C Make basket
034.C Renovate music Box
035.C Renovate sewing Box
037.C Learn to make breads
038.C Make support for exercise ball and find place for exercise equipment
039.C Frame DD2’s birth sampler
040.C Stitch Belle Sampler and write instructions for all 4 parts
Wow thats a lot, I might go have a nap!