I wrote this entry in English, and it didn't sound right, so I translated it to Portugese and back again. It is almost like I didn't write it and that someone else knows exactly how I feel and could shout these things in the midnight street without sounding odd, like I imagine I would. It seems I've made up some Portugase friend.
I cannot wait it Kristen charming to be within arms, as it is absent for holidays. I am writing me this pretty song of the guitar that is really basic. Special when my better friends of guy take me to the North Saskatchewan River in the night of Christmas after we all laugh raucously with some of my members of the family. We stopped in a Sev for cigars of the victory as, evident, it has been one year decent. Mark was play with tambourine Brittany gave to me, Shane was kneel with its tripod and was gone off in pictures of the stars and in the waves in weir, when I sat down in the inferior stage of staircase of metal with the guitar more wondrous of the world. My fingers of fret had been frozen, but I acquired one mitten new, purple for strum. I desire that I could portray with my music the things that I think and feel when I hear my favourite songs. I desire that I could around provoke the trace of the minds of other peoples in a hunting craze for answers and meanings and realizations, similar to mine. I come frequently in top of the noble conclusions that I am bad.