Sep 27, 2009 20:22
The Dog, Nationalism, Trees, Batterings and Other Entertainment
Well the weekend has rolled onto Sunday evening, so there can be no excuses, my laundry's done, the kids have their dinner money. So what of the week just gone?
The Black Dog
The black dog's growls (re last week's blog) have been kept under somewhat better control, getting it down on the PC helped considerably, and assisted me coming to terms with the workings of my own mind. I think I did manage to be more amenable at home, but I did lose my rag on Friday when I came home to find the missus crashed out on the couch with not even the grocery shopping done on line. I failed to realise that she had been zonked out on account of the lergy and not getting much sleep. For the most part I've felt justified in my ire over the past few months, but this time I realised that I was out of order. The explosion did rather put a damper on the evening, not that much would have been going on, but it still leaves its mark.
Right now I'm trying to get my thoughts into some sort of order,, often I try to find a theme or thread to to the week, but this time it feels more fragmented, the day to day approach is often an affective remedy, but before I get there, I feel there is some thing I need to mention.
Its not often that my head is turned politically, but the English Defence League have managed it, the bottom line is that I feel the guys have a point, as long as hey can avoid being over taken by the hard right. I'm sick to death of the political correctness in the UK the means we have to always make way for those that feel marginalised, or that we can't speak out against those that condemn our society, while enjoying the freedom of speech it gives them. Maybe the EDL and its off shoots the Welsh Defence League and the Scottish Defence League can unite people across race, religion,and orientation to celebrate and value Britishness, to respect our laws and honour those who serve in our armed forces. There is often an embarrassed admission of national pride in the UK. Its as if waving a flag or expressing pride in our country might, offend some one, or that pride is sign of intolerance or a lack of intelligence. I'm often impressed with the sense of patriotism that seems more natural in our American friends. It does seem that those who come to the U.S. very quickly identify them selves as American, (please correct me if I'm wrong in this). While in the UK becoming British or English is far less definite and less desirable. This is the end result of local government going out of its way to accommodate the views and cultural requirements those whose who seek to impose their own narrow minded morals on our society. Perhaps the time has come for an open British nationalism that draws together all elements of our society, not just the white Anglo Saxons, if such a movement is emerging then count me in.
OK I've had my rant and the lergy is kicking in again, so with no clear thread I tackle this week activity by activity.
This one came out of the blue a bit, it appears that one of our neighbours, has complained that dead growth from a pair of large leylandi trees in our back garden was blocking the guttering along his garage. I must admit I could see his point, so I told him I'd give the trees a trim this weekend end. I should explain that I would have trimmed the plants earlier in the year but the missus did not want me to disturb the nesting birds. Well they are gone now. To be on the safe side I borrowed a safety harness and rope from work and bought my self a pair of overalls. So come Saturday morning I got stuck in with a garden saw (there is no way I'd feel safe with a chain saw). The harness was effective in ensuring that I did not end up involuntarily out of my tree. Though my neighbours garage roof did sustain a few broken tiles from falling branches, the missus was also not too happy when I failed to call out “look out below” on a few occasions. The work carried on today, but I will now take me at least a month to saw up the branches and take them in numerous car loads to the council recycling centre.
The Wife's Malaise
On Thursday morning I took the wife to hospital, to finally see the neurologist. He declared that the condition that had put her on the sick for the past six months was psychosomatic, and not down to any thing wrong with her nervous system. He then stated that going back to work would be the best thing for her. She now has to wait for occupational health to tell her when she can go back to work. Some how I don't think she was best pleased by the outcome, I on the other hand, felt rather justified in my perception that she had been milking things, but there's no excuse for her now.
The Working Week
Again a week of parts, I've kept plugging away as normal, chasing suppliers, funds for projects and the such like. The technical side has gone pretty well, how well will be revealed when I take some measurements on Monday morning. I've also had to give more thought to the Statistical Process Control training pack I have to write for my department, but now I also have to ensure that it will be in line with the company's overall Six Sigma policy. I think that after next pay day as well as a new washing machine I'll be hunting down a particular text book. My interim Personal Development Review went well, but Its been made clear that if I want to be recognised for my work, I have to be more willing to publicise successful projects, rather than just getting stuck into the next challenge. I also have to pull my finger out and go for my long overdue chartered status.
I was back in Welsh classes on Wednesday night, I think it will take a while to get back up to speed. I also feel a bit of an odd one out, as there are only four us in the first year continuation course and the other three people are all from the same family.
Had a great game of Warhammer on Thursday evening, one of those long hard slogs against High Elves that could have gone either way. So losing wasn't so bad, it wasn't as painful as the battering my empire army took last week at the hands of the Lizard men. There wont be any warming this week as I have to take my eldest to the open evening of the secondary school she'll be starting at next September. Have made good progress on my 28mm Samurai, the main thing is that I now have seven of them painted up. I'll focus on Ashigaru (foot troops) for the next week or so than , I'll be up and running for some skirmish gaming.
Kick Boxing
Talking of getting battered, I avoided too many head blows on Monday, maybe my guard is improving a bit (at long bloody last!). But my legs are still black and blue from some low kicks while sparring, combined with my arms being scratched to hell from the work in the garden, and my thick grey mop of hair in dire need of shearing, I start the coming week looking like a bit of bloody mess. Oh Well.
To all my friends across nation, ocean and ether, I'll bid you a safe, sane and peaceful week.
family life,