Quite a dramatic day today.
This morning, I have been running around lower Manhattan to 'fix' my
personal crisis. No, it did not involve anyone else. Just me. Me, Me,
Me. I'm so egocentric why would my episode of drama involve anyone
else? =P It was about my "address" being in California or in New York,
how the government send me back to Caliofornia to do some paper work,
my change of address got seriously delayed in the database system, and
my identity was #!^@ "messed up". Without being too suspicious (you
never know who is reading these posts, as someone warned), I met with
some FBI agents and my case is cleared, for now. On the side note, I
did admired those FBI agents, the ones I saw really look like those
professional code-breaker scientists in those 007 Bond movies.
I also met 2 girls who came from CA this morning. The first girl I met
was at the NYU bus stop. She's an undergrad junior, came from LA, and
she seems to hate NYU in general. We didn't talk much besides how we
got mad at the bus driver and traffic in NYC. I met the other girl
officer during my errand around Manhattan. She noticed my address in
'Piedmont, CA' when I turned in a form and she went on bitching how I
live in a rich neighborhood, how she and her poor friends from Oakland
came to Piedmont for trick-or-treat every year because some of my silly
neighbors give out $$$$$, and how she was pissed about Oakland (I share
her same opinion about downtown Oakland). Of course I immediately
defended her stereotype by saying I live around Grand Ave, so I am not
one of those rich-rich elite class up in the hill. She agreed with me
because I'm not White. (yes, only super rich White families live up in
the Piedmont hill) She revealed she doesn't like college and she likes
to party. She thought I'm a super nerd because I went to Cal, not in a
frat (I was like, hahaha, no no I spent time in the music library, not
on Piedmont /College Ave), spent 5 years in undergrad,
double major , and now I'm still in NYU getting my masters. She
said she (or her friends) dropped out of Cal State Hayward b/c her mind
exploded. But she seemed very nice. It was really fun to talk to a
stranger and get a bit of her own life experience.
I had my first famous, "real" New York bagel today at Murray's Bagel.
It tasted really good. It was different from the 'fake' Noah's NY bagel
I ate in CA. Murray's Bagel is rated one of the best bagel in
Manhattan. I highly recommend those who are visiting NYC to experience
the New Yorker style diet. Even though it was windy and cold, I had my
bagel and coffee (it was good too, from a local famous cafe) at
Washington Square, near the fountain. The scene was nice and relaxing.
While we are talking about food, I can't resist to talk about my
classes in the food related topic. I cannot believe I'm taking a
history class! It's called Material Culture in China, and it explores
cultural consumption in the mid-Mind to late Qing period, around 1550
to 1850. One of the cultural objects the class will explore is FOOD!
Food in the 18th century! I can't wait to learn more about it! I
immediately signed up the food and dessert presentation! Thus my
previous post 'I'm lovin it' quote.
The other class I took this afternoon was Cross-Cultural Counseling.
Again, it was a really random class (satisfied a requirement) that I
want to have some 1st hand experience on, after I heard those
wonderful, fascinating counseling stories from
openupyourskull and
I was planning to go to those counseling session, but then I thought,
why not take a class that I can learn more about myself and understand
others better at the same time? The professor gave us a really
interesting activity today. We have to get to know our neighbor's
background info through observations only.
I'm looking forward for this semester, all the intense readings, and
perhaps I will learn a bit more about the ever interesting human
socialization processes. (ok, I sound like an alien) It doesn't mean I
will be worry-free at this point (after last week's depress mode), but
life is going to be better :)
I want to say more but I'm sleepy right now. So I've to get back to my
room, cook dinner, and go to bed. Laundry? Nah, for tomorrow. (it's a
huge huge load)
ps: I did not spell-check or proof read this post. Read till your eyes bleed! (I'm eveil ;) )