Prelude to my pictorial labor day journal

Sep 06, 2005 12:21

Before I post my pictorial NYC journal, I'll have a quick update on random stuff, stuff that doesn't have lovely pictures to associate with.

All my classes are in the afternoons and evenings. I guess this is the norm for graduate classes. I remember grad students back at Morrison Hall had their classes later in the day. Unlike undergraduates where they have classes 8am in the morning, I can do lots of stuff in the morning. I can sleep until 9-10am ^_^ , eat breakfast, go to the gym (more on that later), update my journal, compose, practice (I'm practicing? No way!), study, and hopefully not to procrastinate my homework.

I did my NYU Symphony Orchestra audition last Saturday. As always, I am a 'depressionist' and I will never satisfy any of my audition outcome. I did pretty well on my solo (Elgar Cello Concerto 1st mvt), but I screwed up 100%, literally crashed on the last note (high E, on figure 5) on the scale. The note was way way way out of tune.
Then they gave me 3 excerpts from Beethoven Symphony #9. I did well on the last 2 excerpts (last movement cello recitatives and 2nd mvt fast notes) because those are like standards, and I practiced them before hand. But the 1st excerpt was unexpected and I played it like sightreading for the first time. I missed rest, I missed notes, I played natural instead of flates, etc. It was just horrible.

They also forced me to sign a chamber music schedule. I'm still not sure what that means. If I have time to do chamber music, I'd love to. But if I have to pay another cost fee for chamber, hell no! (ps: I'm not even going to register for orchestra in the computer beacuse it cost like $50 to register additional classes.)

I finally got to meet some of my colleagues and classmates during orientation. Although the orientation is informative, it is dry and dull as any other orientations in the world. On the side note, there are about 75 masters students in the program, 40 2nd years and about 36 1st years. The interesting fact is that there are only 4 male students total in the program, and the only male  2nd year quitted this summer. I know   kenplaysviola would love to hangout in these female dominated classes.

Mystery Trash:
When I was throwing away my trash yesterday, I found 2 Microsoft wireless mouses, a Nokia cellphone, 1 mileage card, 2 school ID cards, a ruler, a copy of the 2002 tax return, a box of name card, 2 emptied wedding ring boxes, some bank letters, 3 email copies, a bunch of cable wires, a few clothes hangers, some new batteries, and paperwork in the trash can. After some investigation/research on Google and some advice from the future-library-lawyerinaleuq, I found out the trash belongs to my neightbor, who is also a professor of Economics at NYU. The female owner is a graduate student at Harvard.

Our hypotheses are:
1. They didn't pay their rent, and the landlord/landlady  threw their stuff away
2. There is an accident and they are all dead. Therefore, these trash are cursed and I shouldn't keep them in my room. @_@
3. Some thief robbed the professor's apartment and threw out all these stuff to the trash.
4. The professor broke up / has a serious argument with this graduate student at Harvard (who has the same last name) and he threw away all her stuff. (from the emptied wedding ring box)
5. some more fishy scenario that happens in this dramatic city (like those cheesy drama on TV).

I was going to use the mouse and the hangers if I had not do the investigation. But now I'm going to try to return all the materials to the owners, and perhaps their immediate family if they are indeed dead. (hopefully not) Apparently, the email-copy is a dialogue between professors and students at Columbia, Standford and NYU between May, 2001 to September 2001. (yeah, very very scary when I was reading them at night). The tax return and the bio on the websites stated that at least some of them are still alive as of 2004.
We'll see what's going to happen from here.

-----temporary stop----------
I've to go to KoreaTown to pick up my cheap bag and then go to my first class. I'll update my roommate's drunk chicks, my New Jersey-IKEA trip, my World Trade Center trip, and my up-to-60%-sale + tax free shopping experience later today. :)
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