
Aug 22, 2005 02:50

Taken from one of my old friend's journal. I don't even know what to call this in English... Divination? (as in Sibyll Trelawney in Harry Potter, lol) Occult? Prophet? Predictions? Chinese Finger Prediction? Fortune Telling? Right about me though... translation in Italics and comments added:

指紋分析 姆指 食指 中指 無名指 小指

再算其他人的 (link to the site, do I have to say more?)

(general type)         晚年成大器型 (won't success until old age type. Well, at least I won't be homeless when I'm in my 70s, lol)
(self analysis)
        1. 你是急中生智的人,處事謹慎,鎮定。(You're a procrastinater type, calm during emergencies. That's true)
2. 你是性善良的人,但一生成敗起伏不定。(You're kind, but your life (success/failure) is like a rollercoaster. hahaha)
3. 獨立,不喜歡別人命令你,也厭惡指揮別人。(very independent. You don't like be boss around, or bossing other people. Ok, I'll take that ^_^)
4. 心直口快,言行稍不一致。(say things without thinking, your words and action don't match. So true)
5. 強烈的自我主觀意識。(strong sense of individualism. ok...)
(luck prediction)
        1. 常換工作但會成功。(You switch a lot of jobs. Hahahaha)
2. 不要信賴理論,否則你將不易成功。(Don't trust theories, or you won't success. Hmmm... should I believe the Earth is a square now? lol)
3. 勿輕易聽信讒言。(Don't trust rumors. Does that mean stop gossiping on AIM?)
4. 一旦有外遇,你將失去一切。(If you have outdoor/outside/foreign accident, you'll loose everything. Errr... that's scary)
5. 升遷不易,可考慮白手起家。(You won't have much promotion in your job, you should try to start your own business. Great... I'll... invent a new copy machine)
(marriage prediction)
        1. 對愛情太過理想化,易受挫折,容易因感情而傷人情。 (too idealistic on love/romance, your feelings might hurt your relationship. that's as close as I can translate to English, literal translationg doesn't make sense...)
2. 你適合晚婚,且易有衝突,要以沉著溫和的方式來解決,這樣你的婚姻`才會幸福美滿。(You shouldn't get married until old age. You'll still have conflict with your wife easily. If you want a perfect marriage, you should suppress your anger. Hey! I'm not a wife beater...)
(suitable jobs)
        1. 文學.哲學教授。(professor in the philosophy/humanities field Yay! ^_^)
2. 報章.雜誌.媒體編輯。(news/magazine/media editor No thanks. Does score editor, aka music librarian count?)
3. 電視.廣播.評論員。(news reporter/critic No thanks)
4. 電腦科技相關行業。(computer related field. Hahaha, I'll be a PC game salesperson)
5. 農業.礦業或漁具事業。(farming, mining, fishing. LOL, I'll be a hippie California farmer, hahahahaha)
(Health issues)
        1. 消化器官 (digestive system. 100% true)
2. 呼吸器官 (breathing system 300% true!!)
(luck per year?)
        1歲 平 21歲 平 41歲 平 61歲 平 2歲 平 22歲 凶 42歲 平 62歲 平 3歲 平 23歲 平 43歲 平 63歲 平 4歲 凶 24歲 平 44歲 平 64歲 凶 5歲 平 25歲 平 45歲 平 65歲 平 6歲 平 26歲 平 46歲 凶 66歲 平 7歲 平 27歲 平 47歲 平 67歲 平 8歲 平 28歲 凶 48歲 平 68歲 平 9歲 平 29歲 平 49歲 平 69歲 平 10歲 凶 30歲 平 50歲 平 70歲 凶 11歲 平 31歲 平 51歲 平 71歲 平 12歲 平 32歲 平 52歲 凶 72歲 平 13歲 平 33歲 平 53歲 平 73歲 平 14歲 平 34歲 凶 54歲 平 74歲 平 15歲 平 35歲 平 55歲 平 75歲 平 16歲 凶 36歲 平 56歲 平 76歲 凶 17歲 平 37歲 平 57歲 平 77歲 平 18歲 平 38歲 平 58歲 凶 78歲 平 19歲 平 39歲 平 59歲 平 79歲 平 20歲 平 40歲 凶 60歲 平 80歲 平        
(You are a kind, straight-forward, believing-the-truth, smart, reasonable person. You don't like to give up easily when facing hardships. You are a old-age-success type person. You should be careful on your finance. Think twice before you spend your money. Be responsible.)

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