I looked at the paper she handed me. She wants me to go look up files on some damn psycho? Slayer? What the fuck is a slayer? Weird if you ask me, this entire place is. It gives me the wiggie vibes.
I sigh and roll my eyes. "Fine, whatever." As long as it got me away from that chick I was just fine. I leave my coffee on her desk and turn on my heel as I head over to Facts and Records. That was one place I had yet to be.
I walked by Angel's office and I heard shouting. I thought about stopping for a moment but I figured the way not to meet the boss is by ease dropping on him, so I kept on walking.
I got down to the basement level of the building and followed the signs pointing to Facts and Records. I sighed and opened the heavy door. "Ok where the hell am I going to look for this shit."
"Can I help you?" I yelped and jumped when I heard a voice, I turned to see a woman dressed in a business suit sitting at the desk. "Are you in need of some files?"
"Umm yeah I am. I was sent down here, I'm from Angel's office, he wanted a few files."
"Sure, what and whom do you need these files of?"
I looked down at my paper. "Hanley, Faith Hanley. Where can I fi-" My words were cut short as she tilted her head and I watched her eyes flicker. Looking a bit closer her eyes were flipping like a Rolodex. Ok yes, this place is filled with freaks.
“Woah, what the fuck are you?”
“Why, I’m Facts and Records Miss Monroe.” I blinked. She knew my name. “I know your name because I’m Facts and Records, I know everything past and present about this firm and all of the files in this room.”
I nodded dumbly. “I see.” I shook my head and sighed. “Ok about the records I need.” I wanna get out of here because she’s giving me the wiggins.
She cocked her head to the side. "Ahh yes, Hanley, Faith. Slayer, circa nineteen ninety-nine, was called forth when the previous slayer died. Previous slayer Kendra, no last name. Died at the hands of Drusilla, vampire. Kendra called after original slayer drowned. Drowned slayer being Summers comma Buffy, age sixteen and twenty one at time of deaths.”
“Woah, wait. Buffy died? Twice?!” I just saw the girl yesterday, a bit bitchy but still saw her.
The woman tilted her head and looked at me, her eyes normal for the moment. “Yes, deaths.” She blinked and her eyes went rolling again. “Age sixteen cause of death drowning. Age twenty one died by mystical portal.”
I shook my head and ran my fingers through my hair. Ok this is much to take in and I’ve got shit to do. I want to bring Harmony her crap so I can get back to Graham. “Ok back to this Faith chick.”
“As you wish.” Ugh, there go her eyes again. Doubt I’ll ever get used to it. “Hanley coma Faith, born early eighty’s in Boston Massachusetts, lived with her mother, father’s whereabouts unknown.”
I nodded like I knew what the fuck she was talking about. “Ok, that’s wonderful and everything but I need actual papers and files to bring up to Angel.” I tapped my foot impatiently.
“Very well.” She cocked her head to the side and did that flippy thing with her eyes again before she looked at me and spoke. “File drawer 187 dash 573, third section from the back.”
“Thank you.” I sighed and headed towards the back. I swear it was about a mile long the room. After about fifteen minutes I found the file drawer I was looking for and I opened it.
“Oof.” It pushed me back against the other side of the cabinets with the length of the drawer. “Damn.” I sighed and got up and tried to remember where she said the file was. “That’s right.” I flipped from the back till I got to the third section. “Hanley, common, I wanna get out of here. Hanley, where the fuck is this file.” I grin. “There you are.” I go and pull it out. “Damn this is some fuckin file.”
I grunted as I picked up the file, I used my foot to push the drawer closed and headed out. “I’m bringing these up to Angel.” I said on my way out. Someone knocked into me as I headed to the elevator. “You fuck!” They just kept on walking.
I looked down at the newly wonderful mess and got on my knees and started to pick up the papers. I caught sight of a few photos and I picked them up. “She’s pretty. Too bad she’s crazy.” I ‘accidentally’ looked at some of the other papers that were in the file. I caught small glimpses of her history and such but there were people down here so I couldn’t really be nosey.
“Alright, let’s get this shit back to the ditz so I can go home.” I picked the last pages up and headed for the elevator. I couldn’t help but wonder what would make such a pretty girl so crazy.
I got up the elevator and headed over to Harmony's desk. Ohh, big surprise she's filing her nails....AGAIN.
I roll my eyes and hand her the file. "Here. I'm going home."