Quick Halloween recap (though that topic is, as
marmota said, "so eight days ago"): Much less eventful than
last year's. Went as a samurai to
chhotii's on the 31st. (Apparently did okay, as costume nitpicking was minimal and mostly helpful.) Had a pleasant and low-key time. After Ruddigore put-in all afternoon on Saturday the 1st, did not costume for
cthulhia's, but dressed up in somewhat gothified fashion (including white makeup), to good effect. Arrived late, but had an even pleasanter time.
cthulhia was truly smashing as Frida Kahlo. And I was really happy to see all the people I saw there.
Ruddigore has since gone up. "For a show you're not in, you sure seem to be putting in a lot of time!" Well, during tech week, anyway. Went to two of the performances this weekend, too, which I did enjoy. But I suspect this is part of the reason I feel so fried and un-caught-up on life (not to mention work) at the moment. Luckily tomorrow is an MIT holiday. I hope to use it for some personal recharging.
Romantic angst continues apace. Different angst than usual, in some ways; more internalized than externalized. I don't expect any sympathy from the general public, but it's still a pain. More on all that when I get a chance.
Talked to Dad last night, and guess what? Suddenly he's retired! Sort of as a segue from his medical leave (which unfortunately hasn't been going as well as he'd hoped -- but I hope the fact of retirement will do him additional good). It's also his birthday Wednesday (have to mail his card). I hope to see both him and my grandparents in December, if I can arrange to visit the latter when he does (have to talk to my boss since that won't be over Xmas week). I hope he's all right. I hope they're all right. Oy. (I also have to call Mom, but at least my trip there is all planned and not a stress factor, and likely to be all fun and games besides.)
Shul stuff: not one but two major 20s & 30s events this week, why oh why did I think this was a good idea? :-} I need to send e-mail announcements and get the last organizational loose ends tied up. Today. Sometimes I wonder how C has coped at all under like ten times this amount of organizational pressure for the past year solid. Empathy is mine.
On a brighter note, I invoked my shopping karma on
ablock on our annual expedition to Freeport yesterday. It was good. Nice weather, lots of clothing success for him, and I managed to keep the shopping for myself to a reasonable minimum (item-wise if not altogether dollarwise: two sweaters, or rather, the same wonderful lambswool-and-angora crewneck in both black and taupe. I am a sucker for the J. Crew outlet).
And now I should figure out what I'm going to do before I leave work, and do it, and leave.