[transcribed] Ten months old

May 26, 2016 08:10

Aria had a big growth spurt just the last two weeks or so. She was eating and sleeping like crazy, and now suddenly she has these rangy long little-girl legs that go sprawling out of Mama's lap. She's started walking a few steps at a time before she tumbles back down to her knees -- but if she's holding onto your hand, she can walk and walk, practically run! She can stand up all by herself in the middle of the floor now (instead of pulling up on the furniture), so it won't be long now.

We've recently started hearing more babbling of different syllables... and we're pretty sure she consistently says "dah" for the dogs, and sometimes "ki" for the kitty. We hear a lot of "muh, muh, muh" and "dah-dah-dah" but it doesn't seem to mean anything specific yet. She's got a very good pincer grasp now and feeds herself all kinds of finger foods: vegetables, cantaloupe, shredded-up chicken or fish. We have to parcel it out, though, or she'll cram it all in her mouth at once!

Eyes: still mostly grey-blue. Teeth: still 6 (4 top, 2 bottom). Hair: strawberry-blondish and starting to get long in the front -- almost into her eyes. Need to get some little barrettes!

N.B.: Cross-posted from Dreamwidth; click to view or comment on original post.


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