I beg you all will pardon the somewhat rambly nature of this rundown:
- Remembered to call my mom and check in. She had knee surgery a few weeks ago (she'd had both hips replaced previously, but this is her first knee operation). Then, while recovering (somewhat poorly, it turns out) at home, she fell and smacked her head on the bathtub (!), and thus got admitted to the rehab hospital for several days after all. Now she's back at home and doing better. We are playing a lot of Facebook Scrabble.
- Made a couple different loaves of bread in the bread machine, and also Cheesecake Brownies which may be the new favorite thing around here. Recipes to come later. (Like, when it is done being a
fast day OMG.)
- Done a bunch of website work on two different freelance projects. It's remarkably enjoyable. One because it's actually fun, and one because I am charging them hourly so even when it's tedious I feel like it is worth my time...!
- Done a bunch of updating on my own
design portfolio website, with more to come.
- Played my first official gig with
etrace on Saturday night: mostly our usual band, except that we were backing a local guy with an Elvis tribute act. (I sang backup vocals. Which I don't think of as a major feature of an Elvis act, and they hadn't either, until their first rehearsal, which
etrace went to without me, then came home and said "We need you!" Turned out to be surprisingly important on a bunch of the songs.) It was for a private birthday party, so just an hour-long set, but it was fun. And if we do more gigs with this guy, I will also get paid, not just
etrace. :-)
- Observed my little brother's 40th birthday on Sunday. 40! (By "observed" I mean "forgot to mail his card until the day before, so it would be late as usual, and then thought all day about texting him but never when the phone was at hand, so that didn't happen until the next day either". But it sounds like he had a good time anyway.)
- Finished rereading Book 2 and watching Season 2 of
Game of Thrones, and begun rereading Book 3 and watching Season 3.
No, they definitely don't match up directly, but it's fascinating to go through both at approximately the same rate and see where the similarities and differences are. Also, though I almost hate to admit it, I notice that it's way easier for me to keep track of plot points once I see them enacted and have a visual reference for them. Conversely, it is now almost impossible to avoid thinking of the characters in their screen incarnations, even when those are markedly different from the way I pictured them the first time through. But it's also interesting how much more I hate Theon, onscreen, and how much more I like (say) the Hound or Jaqen H'ghar.
- Attended the Eicha reading (that is, the Book of Lamentations, for
Tisha B'Av) last night at my new synagogue in Munster.
etrace regretfully stayed home because his back was hurting and I was afraid we'd be sitting on the floor the whole time (turned out more than half the group sat in their regular chairs, though). But I walked in and several people immediately went "HEY GREAT TO SEE YOU WELCOME BACK", which was nice. And the reading was good, though it also made me miss the
tremontstshul experience, squeezing 80 people into the basement vestry with dripping wax candles and no air conditioning and several of my favorite people doing the readings. Also, here they did the whole book in the same
standard Eicha trope instead of doing
chapter 3 to its own trope. I take this as a sign that I am supposed to learn it for next year the way I want to hear it done. Y'know.
- Opened an
Etsy shop for my Judaica prints. :-} This is basically a retread of the items for sale on
my own Judaica page, but I thought it would be interesting to experiment with the Etsy marketplace. Worst case, I won't sell anything between now and December (when the listings expire) and I will pull everything down. Yes, I know I would benefit from having actual photographs of the framed pieces -- planning to work on that in the coming weeks. It'd be nice to do some actual new pieces, of course, too.
OK, gonna go count down to dinner now. "Sunset" is reportedly at 8:01pm here; that's the guideline to use, right? Or is it "full dark"? I can't find the fast times for this region listed anywhere, only the
Shabbat times.
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