Had a really nice Boston trip to
justom's family Christmas, and also managed to see two shows AND get in a lot of excellent social time with excellent people (even though I had to miss Staxmas to get my return bus the evening of the 25th, in order to be at work today). We were holed up on the South Shore with the family from Sunday night to Tuesday.
justom's little nieces are 3.5 now, and we had a great (if slightly raucous) time, especially once they figured out they could get us to give them piggyback rides all over the house ;-)
And then there was the art project I made for
justom's present, which I felt was awesome enough that I finally inaugurated my
"professional blog" with a
post about it. Go see!
Art Gift Project: The First Folio Panels See also Pinterest:
eschultz72.wordpress.com via
Erica on
Pinterest N.B.:
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