
Jun 08, 2012 08:52

Well, I did it again, posted to FB as the expedient thing when this is a perfectly reasonable thing to write an LJ post about.

There was a shooting last night at Columbia. Or rather, three bodies were found stuffed in a car on W. 122nd, between Broadway and Claremont. gustavolacerda posted about it, living near enough to happen on the scene and thus be interviewed by the TV crews. :-/

ABC News: "3 men fatally shot, execution style, in car near Columbia"

FoxNY: "Triple shooting by Columbia University and Manhattan School of Music in Morningside Heights"

Columbia Spectrum Spectator: "BREAKING: Three dead from gunshot wounds on 122nd between Broadway and Claremont"

Columbia Spectator, update: "Three men found dead in car parked across from Knox Hall"
Predictably, this is the most comprehensive story thus far. I'm oddly amused by the second paragraph, though: "The news rattled Morningside Heights, a neighborhood in Manhattan's second-safest precinct."

I have no idea if this is likely to make national news, but as I did just post it to Facebook, my family will hear about it, and presumably freak out. :-/ But the thing is, somehow, execution-style drug-trade murders in my neighborhood (and properly speaking, this doesn't even count as "our neighborhood", in NYC terms) don't actually trouble my feelings of "safety" as much as, say, muggings or stranger rapes. Which, on reflection, I think is the case because I can say to myself "They were involved in something. It doesn't increase my personal odds of getting shot."

Naive? Discuss.

N.B.: Cross-posted from Dreamwidth; click to view or comment on original post.
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