So there's
this hurricane en route.
Which is going to sweep through NYC later today and then on up to Boston Sunday morning, by which time it may have downgraded to Tropical Storm.
Also, you may have incidentally noticed, we're moving scheduled to move on Sunday.
Yes, we know this is suboptimal.
No, we don't know if the move will really be able to take place. We have to call the movers tonight and see what they say. (When we called them Thursday, they said "Oh yeah, totally going ahead! Unless we can't, of course, in which case we can't reschedule you until Sept. 6, so basically you're screwed!")
Either way, we still have to finish all the packing today just in case, so anyone [local enough to travel safely!] who wants to come over this afternoon and help pack the kitchen, plastic-wrap furniture, etc. will be rewarded with pizza. Probably from Pescatore. :-)
Also, we have a stereo, possibly a vacuum cleaner, and undoubtedly some other fun things (four pounds of potatoes??) still to give away!
Which reminds me also: WTF do I do with an entire box of tech trash (cables, external disk drives, etc)? I have three dead laptops I need to dispose of, I know I can take those to MicroCenter or something, but the rest? (That is, in the next 24 hours with minimal time investment on my part.) reuse?