state of the chanaleh, February 2011 catch-up edition

Feb 27, 2011 13:07

Today is a day for getting things done and catching up in various ways, which at the moment includes this LJ post. (I got some of the more pressing things done earlier this week, partly as a result of bailing on getting together with c1 on Thursday evening -- sorry, but it did help!)

I sold my bed two weeks ago (longer post brewing on that). Then I moved justom's bed (left behind in his old apartment when he moved to NYC in September) to my place, with the much-appreciated help of tober and firstfrost, to whom I solemnly vow that I will never again attempt to move that sucker without professional assistance and/or a good set of lifting straps.

I have been slowly working on purging stuff in general, via Freecycle, CDSwap/PaperBackSwap, Craigslist, and even eBay. It's good, but slow going. My ultimate ambition for this summer is to dig into processing and purging my 20 years' worth of shoeboxes full of letters and programs. :-}

I'm going to be vending at a Judaica [art and] Craft Show at Havurat Shalom (on College Ave.) on Sunday, March 6, noon to 6pm. I will mostly be selling my artwork (plus some jewelry and MuffinButtons) -- and have been working on a couple new pieces that are not yet up on my website, so you should all come by to check them out!

Work continues to be completely madhouse, much as I enjoy it (or would enjoy it other than the constant pressure twice-as-much-work-as-one-person-can-do problem). Thus, I've decided that I am going to put in a pitch to hire another person, either on the print/design side or the electronic/webmastering/photo&video side -- not sure yet how I intend to propose splitting up the responsibilities. Stay tuned for further info if you're interested, or feel free to contact me off-LJ in the meantime.

I would have loved to do mitgsp's Yeomen this spring, and I would love to try out for theatreatfirst's Equus next week. But I really feel like it would be irresponsible of me to commit to doing a show this spring, generally. (a) I want my weekends free to travel, (b) I'm overcommitted as it is to things that are not getting done, and (c) to the extent that I have ANY free brain cells, I have some pending inquiries on freelance jobs, and right now, the idea of socking away some extra money is a fairly compelling reason to do those instead.

Last night I missed sen_ichi_rei's birthday as well as the Hot Foods Party because an Honorable Menschen potluck got scheduled for the same night... and what do you know, it was a lovely time. We sat around and schmoozed, and then we got started singing -- Billy Joel and Simon & Garfunkel and the Beatles and then Jewish liturgy and camp songs -- and it was overall the happiest I've felt in months about being in the group. So while I had meant to put in a cursory appearance and then zoom around to other events, I stayed until 11:30pm and then went home to bed, and I apologize to everyone I missed elsewhere.

Lastly: I've been in a bit of a funk the last couple weeks, although it's better since I got some good amateur therapy from Barbara on Friday night before Shabbat services. :-) But also on Friday, it happened that I started browsing Gretchen Rubin's Happiness Project blog, and believe it or not, just reading some of her posts actually made me start feeling a little better and more in control of life -- in other words, well, inspired.

On personal manifestos:
Gretchen's Secrets of Adulthood:
Knowing what you LIKE to do, and then doing it:
The sadness paradox (a.k.a. opportunity cost):
You're not happy unless you THINK you're happy:

And now I'm going to go clean the kitchen and run some errands before my afternoon slips away and it's time to head to Menschen rehearsal.

art, links, work, house

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