Someone on my friendslist just posted (locked) a link to a 10-year-old article by Malcolm Gladwell, of Tipping Point fame, about a woman named
Lois Weisberg (see also the print-friendly
PDF) and the social role of Those People Who Know Everyone. It's a very enjoyable article, and reminded me somewhat of my Coworker M, whose job it apparently is to know everyone from the ground up in the Boston Jewish community (and he does it amazingly).
It reminded me also that a friend of a friend sent me a Facebook message some weeks back, and I (amused) promised to follow up but forgot until now:
You're a bit of a supernode, so I thought I might check with you: do you know any local bridge players? A bridge-playing couple would be ideal, but even one or two spare would be handy.
So? Who's out there? (Preferably in the Boston area, I believe was the point.) Help me earn my reputation. :-)