Some things are just unacceptable...

Sep 17, 2006 14:31

There is always a reason to why I start to rant. Whether it be because of work or something I see. A Rant is just something that make my blood boil and the only way I can express feelings aobut it besides marching over and sluggin someone or giving them the most fraking verbal abuse ever is to mush it all in here.

Well my topic for today is parents in this day and age. And what they feel is acceptable. And what well I dont. I realize that not eveyone will be on the same wave length as me on this but for bloody hell.

Anyways. I just am having a hard time understanding where these parents get the idea that what they are allowing their child to do is acceptable. The reason for my rant, is that at work this woman who lives next to the club house, allows her five and seven year old sons to come in together, or alone without any sort of Guardian, no baby sitter, no parent. Just kids alone.

What makes this ok?

What if something were to happen? Who's fault would it be? I realize its only next door, but we're a yacht club, we're next to the water, what if he had the bright idea to go swimming and thought that it was ok?What if he slipped and fell in? There are just so many freak accidents that could occur, and i dont like the thought of it happening.

Don't get me wrong, these kids are very well behaved if it is just the two of them, but the parents if entertaining guests that have kids, send the extra kids with them. In some instances there is like 6 kids under 12 eating here without a parent. I just want to know what the parents are thinking, and why they think that it is acceptable for them to do this. Why is it ok for them to not watch their children?

I mean they really don't spend that time with their kids at all, the mother doesnt work yet, the kids are in swimming lessons, guitar lessons, tutoring for school, reading programs, everything possible for them to sign up for except time with their parent.

Gods then there are the parents that just let their kids scream and scream and scream, and think that its ok for them to do that. Guess what. Its not ok. Think about all the people around you that you are disturbing, and for the love of Gods dont just stick a napkin on your childs head in hopes that it will shut them up because youare to busy with you fraking filet, pick her up and rock her, pay attention to the.

Why do none of the parents today really spend any time with their kids, its horrible.  My parents when i was younger, were a little over protective, but in the long run I turned out ok. And they did it because they loved me and my brother alot.  And i think that we are better for it now, we both have pareents that we know will care about us no matter what.

Its just so frustrating to see parents, scared to not say no to their kids to. I mean the kid is screaming because it wants something. Because it wants ice cream, and tehy just give it to them because they don't want to be ebarassed.

I just don't get it
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