Jun 09, 2006 09:25
So it is 9 Am and I am at work. And how does that make me feel? Hungry, crappy, tired, wishing I was home in bed. Although the good news regarding this whole comming in early. It lets me tackle all the junk thats been piling up on my desk that I never have time for during the day. It almost makes me think about doing it once a week just so i get caught up.
Another though would for me to start doing this every day and just go to bed earlier. Which means I would start my game of Warcraft at like 9pm instead of midnight. Or something like that, so i can still have a bit of computer time and you know a full nights sleep.
Though it is kinda peaceful in the morning as well, It almost makes me want to do walking in the morning. See I have all these great and wonderful thoughts now. However , its the trying to get my ass out of bed that truly is the issue. I just don't want to. I really have trouble waking up in the morning.
Though the few occasions during the year that I am up early are great once i finally wake up and realise its not all that bad. Though I do truly look forward to my pillow in the afternoon. Well regardless I do think that I need to work out some system. And I also need to do some exercise of some sort or start playing sports again.
I had truly thought about signing up for soccer again this year, but I would have had to play for Cole Harbour, as I missed sign ups and its the only Soccer Club that I would be able to pull strings to get onto a team. But I don't want to play for the Senior Womens Coach tht they have. Like we are talking crazy man. I mean I get that you want to win and all, but we're not 17 year olds anymore, any of us that are playing its just for fun now, none of us have hopes of going to the Olympics any more.
Well Anyways I think that my goal tonight is watch Mononoke, Cuddle with the Boy, Nap, Play some Warcraft. I've been ehre since 8 am so I think that I am going to go home at 5ish eat have a nap then head back to the work enviroment. Now I say those are the things that I want to do, wheter or not I am able to is an entirly different Story.
I also feel the need to do some more tags at some point, I feel I haven't expressed myself graphically for a little while and its bugging me. So I might do some of that...gah this is me, I change my mind all the time on this stuff. But Im totally down for the cuddles that is a confirmed motion.
On another note, Shannon and I watched my Neighbour Totoro. I thought that it was cute. It wasn't Howls by any means it was just a simple story about a family in a new Neighbourhood. And It was cute, also its another one of his movies where at parts you kinda look at the screen sideway and go....ummm WTF? But the theme song was awesome and I am trying to Down Load it now. Im also trying to find the music for the Ballroom Scene in the Cat Returns, do you think that I can...nope. Oh and Moxy Fruvous's Present tense tureen. That is also the song that I am searchign for.
I guess this little blurb turned out longer then I exptected...sorry about that. Oh and I think Matty Sarah, Shannon and I are going on the Harbour Hopper next Thursday. Yay Halifax tourism!