The longitude of Eurovision successs │ Go east young man
May 14th 2009
Longitude is a useful guide to the likely winner of the Eurovision song contest
THE 54th Eurovision song contest will be held in Moscow on Saturday May 16th, when 15 finalists compete in the original televised singing competition. In theory the best performance delivered in Russia's capital will win first prize. In practice, other factors are at play. The 42 participating countries will allocate points according to the wishes of their public and of judges. Increasingly geography helps to determine the outcome. A look at the longitude of the capital cities of countries that have won the contest in the past two decades shows a marked move to the east as more countries from the former Soviet Union have joined the contest. Neighbours, especially in eastern Europe, award most points to each other. Disgruntled commentators in the west of Europe have cried foul (Ireland's Terry Wogan, a long-serving BBC commentator on the event, has quit the show). But the shift to the east is unlikely to reverse.