Feb 10, 2006 15:31
so hello lj,
today im sick, and on like sooo many meds im high and junk.
so i got in a fight with my valentine, and im bored as heck on what to do right now, and i wanan talk about some of my favorite friends at umbc:
so there's veronica slootsky who's just freaking awesom and nuts like me.
then there's jerad bates who's really good in math and is a real conservative.
and yaakov, who reminds me of a neurotic version of my political views in high school
then there's this crazy chick stephanie klein who thinks the death penalty should be exclusively on men, but is as sharp as a samurai blade and has the debating skills of new york jewish lawyer.
not to mention junaid: the bicycle riding brother who's also like a genius in islamic theology along with our fellow pal iboo, the MSA president
there's also rella, a short orthodox jewish girl from Bais Yaakov high school who likes to shoot guns, and is the JSU president
plus pete h. from potomac hall who's really caustic and pokes fun at his roomy allan unfairly all the time
there's will from potomac front desk who beats up ppl all the time with his crazy sense of humor
not to forget or demean rachel amman from potomac--the only white girl who can make racist jokes....damn bosnian ;-)
i also love my RA renee livshin who terrorizes me with her coolness and the fact she knows how to dance
i also wanan yell out to jacob and zach and allan and prof croatti for being so damn political and awesome.
random hello to nikki, this really awesome girl i know from hillel who makes me do pushups ALL THE TIME to get me buff ;-)
hey nicole r. and amena: the two coolest orthadox roomy cats i know!
i love you guys!