(no subject)

Feb 28, 2009 21:02

I almost feel like a human again.

Last weekend, my folks took me out to a nice Chinese buffet for dinner. Real nice place- they serve everything from sushi and steamed crab to baby octopi to you-name-it. We've gone there for ages and never have had any problems. Well, this time they had a real treat; one of my favorites, raw oysters on the half-shell. YUM. Only...not. Apparently these oysters were hiding a lovely surprise- and it damn sure wasn't a pearl. D:

Now, I've had every kind of food poisoning known to man, and pretty much know the routine: a rough 24-72 hours of gastronomical fireworks (blow & go), and that's pretty much it. This was different. MUCH different. This started in the middle of the night with horrible relentless contraction-like pains in my upper abdomen (not typical stomach cramps, mind you- think of what a snake does when its head is chopped off) and it only got worse. I didn't feel "sick" for another 24 hours or so, just worn out and tired. Started running a fever, then it went downhill from there.

This crap has been vicious and just never seemed to end; it's been a week and only now does it seem to finally be letting up. My ribs and sides hurt from all the muscle spasms (I'm still getting them, but they're nowhere as severe as they were). My gut is still pretty much in an uproar, too (soup is about as much as I can tolerate). I have no idea what the hell kind of bug/virus it actually was that kicked my ass, but it was NOT something I would suggest anyone else go through- ever.

Sorry for typos/crappy writing/tl;dr but I'm still pretty shaky and I'm sure you'll get over it LOL.
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