15 Random Headcanon Facts

Dec 11, 2010 12:15

1. In canon, Yuffie's birthday is considered to be November 20th, which would make her a Scorpio. I've never, ever considered her to be a Scorpio. I've always thought she'd be a better Gemini.

2. As much as she will never admit it, she respects her father. She hated him for what he did after the Wutai War, but now that she's a leader herself, she's come to understand the reasoning behind the decisions he made. It was for the good of Wutai after all.

3. She hates wearing dresses. She had to wear them a lot as a kid, and even to this day refuses to wear one. You'd have to physically put it on her.

4. She has severe motion sickness. It's not just in airships, but on any moving object. Boats, chocobos, cars, you name it. She's on it for five minutes and the room starts spinning. Have a bucket ready.

5. She still harbors an intense hate for Sephiroth, even after all these years. They may have defeated him, but he's still something that she gets angry over if someone mentions him.

6. As much as she bugs her fellow teammates, she really does love them. She values their advice, and she looks up to them. They are the few people she trusts.

7. Her first weapon wasn't her Shuriken. She went through several others until she fell in love with it. She has ridiculously good aim with her shuriken, and will not hesitate to shove it in your face if you piss her off.

8. Speaking of getting angry, Yuffie has a ridiculously short fuse. Talk about her honor, or her friends or Wutai in a bad way, and it's on like Donkey Kong.

9. She prefers nature and small villages rather than large cities. This stems from her upbringing and that she hid out in forests most of the time before meeting Cloud and everyone.

10. She considers Vincent to be her closest friend, even if she doesn't act like it. She has every right to call your phone, btw.

11. Her cocky attitude stems from her childhood. Being the daughter of the ruler, she thought she had to be twice as awesome, so it lead to an over the top behavioral pattern. This also lead to her introductory speeches and giving herself titles like the Great Ninja Yuffie. She also refuses to call herself a princess. It's too girly.

12. Her obsession with Materia is really unhealthy.

13. On a personal level, Yuffie is deeply spiritual. Her people worshiped Leviathan, and that was her favorite Summon Materia back home. Every day, at dawn, she prays.

14. Her favorite colors are greens and yellows, but she has a slight love of earth tones.

15. If she had a chance, she would go back in time and punch Don Corneo in the face. Hard. Repeatedly. Until she saw blood.


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