when you finish university, does your sense of general dis-ease and self-or-other-loathing kind of go away? is the shittiness of school systemic, or is it just me - not being able to rise above it and being all ubermensch about it all? will my post-grad hope be inversely proportional to my current enrolment in Despair?
i feel like i would have benefitted much more from 4 years of therapy than 4 years of university. and it would have cost less.
but what do i know?
whatever! "boh!" (this is me quoting Scola's "We All Loved Each Other So Much" ---> USING MY DEGREE)
i guess to not sound so weepy, i should keep saying "whatever" to err on the side of ambivalence.
if film studies has taught me anything, it's that ambivalence is a virtue, and calling anything "wonderfully" or "stunningly" ambivalent will take you halfway to grad school.
(i love ambivalence in films)