Feb 12, 2004 14:17
so i went up to 15th from 20th. yay. now i'm not barely in the top 10 percent, i'm in it, yo! so i'm proud of myself for getting good grades this term, although i don't feel like i tried extra hard, except for in ap english, cos my classes this year are average, not that hard. like i said, except for ap english...
it's third term senior year. i have about a month and a half before i know where i'm going to college. there's nothing i can do now, except not fail. i'm trying to get my life together so that its not so lost by the time bonaire rolls around that i do something mad stupid like leave my dive card at home...everything is starting to happen and im afraid of being overwhelmed...
my back is wicked messed up and thusly i am going to the chiropractor hopefully today--my knees are wicked messed up so i am getting MRIs on them tonight--my ear is semi messed up and so i'm taking sudafed for a straight week--the bumper on my car is still hanging off to i'm taking it in tomorrow to finally get reattached....gaaaaah! i neeeeever get sick and i feel like a dilapidated old woman this month. and it's getting beautiful outside and i just want to go running and I JUST CANT
and i have no patience anymore, for anyone, anything, anywhere. i can't stand peter's whining and acting like a fucking child and treating me so insensitively, i'm sorry i can't do everything, i'm trying my fucking hardest...i'm sick and tired of people becoming so psychotic that they are actually messing with my friends, and THEY WILL MEET THE CONSEQUENCES, and i'm sick and fucking tired of going to school every day. thank god i can leave early.
on a better note, discovering new cool people is great, as i've become closer with some i haven't been friends with in the past...its refreshing and fun....and i really like my part in the musical, i think i'm getting the hang of it in my head...and summer is almost here. man, i cannot wait until lifeguarding. this entry had no point.
call me over vaca, mufuckas. 617.633.4604!