May 09, 2010 15:43
On this, my 5th Mothers' Day, I would like to thank everyone who has helped me keep my sanity (mostly) intact on this crazy roller coaster ride.
Thanks especially to:
The fabulous folks in charge of the early morning kids programming on OPB/PBS
The writers for Dora the Explorer
Sandra Boynton, for all her fantastic books
Our doctor, who loaned us a copy of a book on raising your spirited child
The founders of the Monmouth Indoor Park co-op, however brief its life was (we miss it!)
The inventor of the bubble wand and Magic Bubbles
Great-uncle Lee, who nudged us in the direction of Shriners
Whoever it was that wrote that book that taught me how to knit up at UAF
All my friends whose houses are messier than mine, for making me feel better
All my friends whose houses are tidier than mine, for unknowingly kicking me in the rear
Andrew Carnegie
Percy L. Spencer
Mick Inkpen
and most of all:
K's parents
My parents
And most, MOST of all:
The fabulous Special K.