Dec 25, 2009 22:08
Mom and Dad came down yesterday, we had lasagna for supper after church - left Dad in charge of the lasagna in the oven so he could claim credit for making it. ;D Baby G was fine at church until the first childrens' choir song, it was loud and she freaked out, so Grandma (Mom) held her in the vestibule for the rest of church, which is where I found them when I arrived, late, after finishing up the lasagna prep. Whee!
Opened presents after supper, this morning was stockings for everyone and Santa presents for Kidzilla, then over to K's folks' house for Christmas lunch/dinner, more presents, and lots of tea and cookies and NUTROLL (yum yum yum).
Contrary to the usual run of things G didn't glom onto the packaging and ignore her presents - she seized onto a pair of soft knitted balls with crinkly inserts that I made for her, and by glom I mean "will not let go even to eat or sleep, must hug and chew and carry around and love them!!" It was funny, but slightly surprising, I thought for sure she would be more interested in the little soft, stuffed pony, for softy comfy lovey-ness.
Kidzilla loved *everything* he got, and had such tons of fun playing and playing and playing that he actually napped for about 3 hours in the evening. Wow.
Kidzilla's getting very, very imaginative with his playing these days, acting out whole scenes from books he likes (the new Thomas Victor engines acted out the parts of The Little Engine That Could, over and over, for example), and playing with invisible things - the riding (think Flinstones-esque) car he got that we brought over to D&E's house for him to ride around their garage - he was driving it to the strawberry fields, to pick strawberries, and he mimed taking baskets out of the car, setting them down, picking berries, putting them in the baskets, carrying the baskets back to the car ... you could almost *see* those baskets!
G has been learning and changing by leaps and bounds, Dad was working with her today trying to get her to say "Grandpa", and she actually managed a fairly credible "Ga-ga" several times, in imitation. At one point someone was talking about Kidzilla still napping, and she said "Cah" and looked all around. YAY, for speech progress!! She's gotten extremely energetic and active and even more *inter*active recently, just go-go-going all the time, and has started to make tiny advancements toward cruising and walking. Leese (the early intervention specialist) will be pleased, I hope! (I know we are!)