AT&T and Verizon along with other major telephone companies that provide millions of customers with internet usage are in the process of pushing a bill to be passed in the house and congress.
this bill will control our usage of websites online. if an online company doesn't pay them enough, major telephone compaies wont allow us to view their sites.
this is taking away our first amendment!
please write call congress and let them know this is NOT ok.
here are a few links to help you on your way.
also it would be awesome for you to add these links to your blog and pass the word on!
* Action item-allowing people to easily call your representative (please include, this is most important): * Tally of yesterday's vote: * Statement of Coalition (MoveOn, Gun Owners of America, etc.) after yesterday's vote: * "Panel Vote Shows Rift Over 'Net Neutrality'" Los Angeles Times, April 27, 2006 * Video: Rep. Markey's "This is the moment" speech urging support for his Net Neutrality amendment.