Dec 30, 2007 17:45
Hm. Okay, so I got into UNC-G. I need to work on scholarships. Seriously. And work on the arts that I owe people. And perhaps study Spanish. I like my Spanish, I feel like I've gotten a whole lot better than I used to be, but my dad wants me to switch out of AP Spanish next semester not due to my grades, but due to the teacher. He believes that sometimes it IS the teacher that can ruin something completely for you. Señora Kane seriously... is a stuck-up nit-picking bitch. D: Srsly, man. If I did, I'd take Apparel Development II... Hm...
I like sewing too, I just haven't done it in so long.
Le sigh. My WoW subscription dies Thursday. I had to cancel it so that way I could work on stuffz, such as school and work. But it doesn't seem to actually be taking up my life, like it seems to suck in a lot of people.
I really miss Ryan. The upcoming 10th is making me nervous. *wiggles*
OMG. I'm getting a digital camera/camcorder. Oh the fun that will ensue. XDDD
And I really have nothing to say. Well, 'cept that Troy's just a big of a problem as always. Little bugger. *squishes* I mean, he's a great friend. I really wish he loved someone else. It'd make me feel loads better. But I've been unfair and have displaced some anger unto him. Which means, I fought with him a lot. He doesn't try to talk to me much anymore for fear of the fights. They make him really sad. D: The fights only happen because I point out something, he ac ts dumb, I calmly tell him, then he acts fuxin' annoying and retarded. It pisses me off sometimes.
By the way, I love my friends so much. Immensely. 'Specially Sarah-girlie. ..Hehe, I said girlie. Anyways. I do believe she's the only person that I really feel like I helped. I mean, I try to help all my friends, but she's the only person I know that responded to that help. It makes me feel less useless in life. I love her so much, and she should know that she is a good person, despite what she thinks!
Oh hey, Led Zeppelin. <3