lizabeth is in the house.....

Jan 24, 2005 20:19

yooooo everyone in cyberspace! this is the super cool lizabeth and im just so special i get 2 update for kelsey. see i was getting so bored w kelsey not updating and such i had 2 do it for her. so my superior intellect read kelseys mind and found her password. so anyways its midterm week meaning like no school which is amaizng. kelseys being a good math II student and stuying for regents which is a complete joke! i mean come on how can you study for math, its just impossible. and i guess im supposed 2 be studying for religion but screw that. its just memorizing which i can do before i go 2 bed. well (shout out to my bestest homesizzle renmister K, WE CREATED NEY) i just recently got off the phone w my other bestest homesizzle from the south paige. of course she doesnt have a foot and a half of snow unlike us in the tundra. so i filled her in on everything thats happened since christmas. she told me she will be commenting on the entry and warning all the floridians...hehehheh. andu no what makes me mad! no 1 fn believed me a year ago when the IHSC was formed besides homeslice kesley! who of course came up with the hot name of i have six cows. so it took an entire year 2 realize how bitchy some1 is...well now is better then never.
holy shit
just after reading rens last update is like making me cry
if u havent read it read it asap
ahhh its so sad losing friends :(
well moving on after the depressed stage
i think its time to bring some classic moments back up to make everyone happy again:

urockmysocks7766: ren please dont kill fran1
urockmysocks7766: !!!!
BlueHoopz44: lol
BlueHoopz44: i dont think thts possiblr
urockmysocks7766: ren u mustnt!
urockmysocks7766: i do not have enough money to bail u outta jail!
BlueHoopz44: lol
BlueHoopz44: ill kill him!!!!!!!!!!
BlueHoopz44: in his sleep\
BlueHoopz44: ill stab him 2 death!
urockmysocks7766: noooo
BlueHoopz44: YES
BlueHoopz44: I MUD
BlueHoopz44: MUST*
urockmysocks7766: but ren he loves u!
BlueHoopz44: no
BlueHoopz44: he doesnt'
BlueHoopz44: he hates every1
urockmysocks7766: nooo
urockmysocks7766: photo fran loves u ren!
BlueHoopz44: i hate him!!!!!!
BlueHoopz44: so much
BlueHoopz44: i have indents on my walls where i have thrown things out of hatred towards him
urockmysocks7766: ahhh
urockmysocks7766: no ren!
urockmysocks7766: control ur anger!
BlueHoopz44: thts how i do it
BlueHoopz44: i take it out on my wall
urockmysocks7766: lol
urockmysocks7766: but the wall is ur friend!
BlueHoopz44: it helps me 2 burn things also
BlueHoopz44: i have many pencils tht i lit on fire
urockmysocks7766: omggggg
urockmysocks7766: ur insne
BlueHoopz44: i do
BlueHoopz44: i have a hidden lighter
BlueHoopz44: and a candle
BlueHoopz44: and i burn pancils
BlueHoopz44: and light them on fire
urockmysocks7766: ok ren u do that but dont light urself!
BlueHoopz44: and when i spray my perfume in the candle it makes sparks
urockmysocks7766: no ren!
BlueHoopz44: its fun
BlueHoopz44: dont worry
BlueHoopz44: i dont inhale the smoke
urockmysocks7766: ok,....
urockmysocks7766: thats good
BlueHoopz44: i have a mask
BlueHoopz44: and i wear it when i light the cnadle
BlueHoopz44: its very soothing
urockmysocks7766: ok...
BlueHoopz44: im tired
urockmysocks7766: damn pyro
urockmysocks7766: lol
BlueHoopz44: pyromaniac
BlueHoopz44: it all strted when i was 10
BlueHoopz44: in vermont
BlueHoopz44: @ the beach
BlueHoopz44: we would light bonfires
BlueHoopz44: and i liked 2 light the bonfired
urockmysocks7766: ...
BlueHoopz44: so i roamed the beach
BlueHoopz44: 2 find things 2 make the fire bigger
BlueHoopz44: and as i roamed
BlueHoopz44: i would sing the pyro-maniac song
BlueHoopz44: it goes like so...
urockmysocks7766: omg
BlueHoopz44: HEHE
BlueHoopz44: lol
BlueHoopz44: do u like?
urockmysocks7766: omg
urockmysocks7766: u need help
BlueHoopz44: no i dont
BlueHoopz44: what makes u think tht
urockmysocks7766: wel...
BlueHoopz44: its a hobby

hahahhaha crazy ren
well i hope that makes everyone laugh becuase ren sure is 1 crazy yeotch
speaking of yeotches!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
sacred heart CRUSHED mount aka neyville last friday. me and sam had quite a lot of fun yelling at ney. especially during foul shots i would talk 2 ney on the line and she would ignore me. pshhh dumb ney me and ren created u!!!!
and i hope everyone knows my fish norman and dexter r amazing but nothing compared 2 QUIN THE SNAIL (named my ren of course and her love for her bros gf quin) quin is about the smartest snail i have ever seen. so of course instead of studying 4 lit (which i completely failed) i watch quin run around my little fish bowl. yes it was qxciting. and i hope my fishies do not die because then ill have 2 spend 26 more cents for fish. o but its so worth it casue goldfish r super cool
ooo joy sergio has just imed me. if you all dont no sergio is moving :( it made me very sad becuase sergio is the hottest 6th grader alive and he will no longer be able 2 come 2 my house with stevo or i cannot see him at gregs functions which is reli sad. i love u sergio and good luck with ur ninjadom (hes a ninja)

Surge24730: you cannot attain happiness, it attains you- but only after you surrender everything to it
------>what an fn genius
what other stuff can i ramble on about.........hmmmm
well the syblings got quite angry at me today. i cheated in the simpsons monopoly quite alot taking like all the money out of the bank. when they found out they went crazy and both attacked me! im like psh who doesnt cheat in monopoly. ok ok i no what ur thinking who the fuck plays simpsons monopoly w there sybs. well me of course! seeing that i dont study i needed somehting 2 do at 3 PM. hehehhe o fun me and tori r walking to the coffee shop 2morrow after religion exam. seeing as our retarded regents math exam doesnt start until 1215. so ive been writing this for like an hour now. i think im trying 2 accomplish making this the longest entry kelsey has ever had. casue that would be amazing. i love long entries. o yes 2 days left free of basketball! so i guess the rambling is drawing to an end seeing as i ran out of random stuff 2 say. wow i cant believe kelsey is still studying. who studies for regents. pshh they mean nothing...i hope...well ive done about 4 million practice exams so i guess im ready. all thats left is memorzing hebrew scripture exciting. so peace out all u faithful lj stalkers u no who u r! but heres some shout outs neways seeing as i love to ramble
renmister k
paige down in floridia
sammy rae
sergio the hottest 6th grader alive
diana for writing the best lj entry
and most of all kelsey kean becuase i would be no where today with out her lj
love ya all

ps: drew u better get those the like cds burned or kelseys gonna hunt u down, worse than the pp movie inncident
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