Title: Hairdressing
Fandom: Star Wars
Characters: Sabé, Padmé (Amidala)
Rating: General
Word Count: 200
Summary: Sabé helps her Queen prepare for a meeting.
Era: before The Phantom Menace
Disclaimer: I do not own the Star Wars concept. This is a work of fan fiction. No profit is being made and no copyright infringement is intended.
A/N: Inspired by the prompt rush in
sw_saga_drabble. This one is for
fialleril who requested Padmé/Sabé bonding. That's one less plot bunny on my
list; just twenty more to go.
She winced and almost poked herself with the pencil she had been using to draw the Scar of Remembrance on her lip. Sabé's hands were careful and gentle as they untangled the knots, but she still found herself wishing she had her sister's straight hair.
"I'm sorry, Your Highness." The words drifted softly from behind her, like song, to join the music provided by the ticking chronometer.
She glanced sideways in the mirror, meeting dark eyes so similar to her own. "It is my fault," she said, and watched her own wry smile. "I will never again go to bed without braiding my hair."
The chrono on the wall continued ticking.
"Sabé, we must hurry." Her voice betrayed her nervousness about the meeting with the governors of Naboo's most prestigious universities, including the one where her father taught. Who was she, who had never set foot in a university classroom, to tell them how to run their institutions?
Sabé squeezed her hand. "Your Highness, our people believe in you," she said with a certainty that warmed Padmé's heart. "You should believe in yourself."
Padmé smiled gratefully before immobilizing her face in the stern countenance of Queen Amidala.