On rereading

Dec 16, 2011 18:04

hikarific has a thought-provoking post on rereading fiction and the experience of reading a book for the first time vs the second or fifth time. Me, I think it depends on the kind of reader you are. Some people do catch every mistake, along with the author's technical and stylistic tricks, on the first reading, no matter how engrossing the plot is.

I'll tell you a secret: I never read more than once when I'm beta reading. I don't need to.

I almost never reread, because my memory is too good. Once I've read a book, it's boring to read it again because I remember everything and I don't notice any subtle things I missed the first time, because I do notice these things the first time.

How does this apply to re-reading fanfiction? The same way as to any kind of fiction. I reread when I want to learn to imitate the author's style or technique. I notice these things the first time, but to be able to use them when I'm writing, I need to study them. And I reread nonfiction when I need to memorize details - that takes two or three readings, usually with note-taking.

meta: fandom

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