FIC (DRABBLE): What, the curtains?

Dec 29, 2011 20:51

Summary: Nothing is stronger than a mother's love... not even her tapestry needle.
Author's note: Written for the Icon Challenge on the LiveJournal community lifein1973 on 9-Dec-11. The icon in question is, um... *points up and to the right*

"Mum! I can't wear this!"

"Stop fidgeting, lad, or I'll stick you with a pin. -Ah, that's more like."

"Evening jackets are supposed to be elegant, mum. Not flocked. I look like I'm wearing a bloody sofa..."

"Language! What the Lord Mayor doesn't know won't hurt him. It worked for Maria von Trapp and it'll work for you. Now stop fussing."

"The other men have off-the-rack..."

"Well, they don't have mothers who love their sons, then. -All right, you can look now."

"Ah, God..."

"-And if you keep moaning, it'll be more than curtains for YOU, sonny-jim!"

my fanworks, character: dci litton, fanfic, genre: humour, my fanfic, fandom: life on mars, groups: private, genre: meta

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