Friends only (mostly)

Sep 11, 2020 20:52

Most of my personal, real-life-related postings are now friends-only. I'm gradually moving most of my fanfic and meta over to Archive of Our Own (AO3) so please check there if that's what you're looking for.

You're welcome to friend me if you like. If I don't friend back right away, please don't be offended as there's truly no offence intended. I probably feel that we need to know each other better before I open up my personal life to you. Bear in mind that I try to keep my f'list well trimmed back, so I typically add someone as a friend only when we've already chatted on a comm and/or it's apparent we have interests in common beyond fandom.

Having said that: if we already know each other a bit, and I haven't already scared you off... by all means shoot me a comment ♥

P.S. I used to link to photos on Photobucket, but the recent (summer 2017) Photobucket change of terms and conditions has broken a ton of graphics links. (What IS it about so many online providers becoming so pissy over the last year or two?... I'm looking at you, too, LiveJournal.) To be honest, I doubt that anyone is reading my posts in the Year of Our Lady 2017+. However, if there's a post you want to look at, and it contains a ton of broken links, and you'd like to see the original images rather than those annoying Photobucket nag pics: please just shoot me a comment! I'll be happy to copy images to LJ/update the links so that they work for you. This will be strictly upon request, though, as there's too much work involved in indiscriminately updating many years' worth of postings otherwise :-) Ta!

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